I thought I knew you

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I wake up calmer then I was last time. Peter is staring at my eyes slightly shaking me. I look at him and start to shiver.

"5 o'clock...." He whispers, looking into my eyes.


"The time it happens...when you faint....5 o'clock." Peter stands up lifting me with him.

"Owwww" I moan clutching my head. I sit down on the sofa and peer at my phone. Peter sits next to me and looks at the screen. It appears with a reminder about me going see Nial. I smile, dreamily.

"Your not going!" Peter shouts. I turn to him and give my best puppy eyes. But, it never works.

"I promise I'll be home by 4:50," I raise my pinkie "pinkie promise." We both smile.

"But mom and dad will be home at 5, do you want to let them know?" Peter asks. I think for a minute. They are my parents but if they knew about this, Ill probably get shoved in a mental hospital.

"No...how about we meet down the road at 4:55 then come back at 5:05, K?" My pinkie is still hovering around the air when he interlocks to mine.

"Can you wake me up tomorrow so I don't sleep for 24 hours or mum is going to worry about me." I say walking up the stairs. I hear the front door open and continue.

I get into the bed and snuggle up to sleep.

*********next morning************

"Grace,Grace wake up." Peter calls me, and I sit up in my bed.

"So, why were mum and dad late?" I ask pulling my feet out of the covers.

"Well, dad took a fall and they both had to go to the hospital, dad's fine." Peter says looking around my trash of a room.

"Why didn't they call?"

"Phones had died and they forgot our phone numbers, some parents they are." Peter laughs walking out the door.

I get changed into black leggings and a daisy shirt and stroll to the living room. I look at my phone and a smile comes across my face. I squeal and lie on my back. This is going to be a good day.

"I'm going out to help a kid with his homework!" I shout but in my head I'm saying I'm helping my future husband with his homework.

"Ok, bye sweetie!" Mum shouted back as I leave. I couldn't wait for me to go see Nial that I haven't done anything all day except wait by the door. And of course, as I've been apparently acting strange recently, everyone has been watching over me. Especially Peter.

As I'm walking down the street I see Nial sitting on the bench. Nial has blonde hair, like Nial from 1D. That's the only thing that's the same.But his nickname, that I don't use, is That what makes you beautiful boy.

Nial sees me and waves, and I wave back.

"Hi Nial, so have you got all your things?" I ask sitting next to him.

"Yep, so shall we get started?" He says opening his halfway finished booklet.

"So the homework was to do a leaflet or a booklet about all the topics we have learnt this year, yes?" Nial is laughing while I'm saying this. Then he turns his laughs into coughs.

"So....what have we learnt this year?" I ask.

"Let's not talk about homework, let's talk about school." He says and grabs my hands. I look into his eyes.

"Hey grace, why you hanging out with my boyfriend?!" I turn to see Vanessa and Maisie. Vanessa is Nials boyfriend and she has Maisie as a best friend. These two girls are the popular people in the year. Both of them were holding water guns.

"I....um." I splutter getting up and walking away.

"Run Edwards, before I can use it." Maisie shouts. I continue, not running. But I should've because I got my whole leg wet from a squirt.

I turn around and start two walk quickly towards my house, continually getting wet.

When I think it's safe, I find the nearest tree and slide my back down it. Ever since year 3 I've had a crush on him, and now I don't.

I look at the watch on my wrist. 4:30, I still had 25 minutes left to meet Peter. I don't know what to do!

I stand up and walk towards my house and put my phone up to my ear.

"Pick up Anna, please"

"Hi Grace, what's up?" That's when I burst.

"Please help me Anna, I don't know what to do, please come round." I sob, tears streaming down my face.

"What's wrong, what happened?" She asks. I've reached the front door of my house and open the handle.

"I'll tell you when you come round, please." I beg. Peter and my mum comes out from the living room but I ignore them and run to my room still crying.

"Ok, ok I'm coming, I'll be there in two minutes, bye"

"Bye" I say, flopping on to my bed.

I just wish this day will end, but it won't.


Hi guys! To say thanks to all you guys I made a new chapter for you. The reason why is because so many people has read my book and also I've planed this chapter for AGES. I think it was the second chapter I planned I just never got to it.

This has 857 words in! My story keeps growing and growing!

My next chapter will be posted on Monday. I've got stuff planned for the next chapter. Pretty interesting stuff!

Also can someone help me think of a better chapter name and if I choose yours, you will get a sneak peek of the next chapter!

Bye LYSM ~Charlotte~

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