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Emily's POV

"Oh and I have a sister called Flora and a mum called Louisa!" The girl tells me excitedly. I pick up a doll and brush its hair with my fingers.

"I have a Mum who's evil." I moan. The girl looks up at me. She smiles but then my mum shouts down the corridors.

"WHERE IS THAT LITTLE RAT?! SHE DESERVES TO DIE!!!" My mum bellows through the whole palace. The girls face goes pale and her breathing rushes.

"Get under my bed now!" I hurriedly whispered. She crawls under it and covers her mouth. I jump onto one of my many chairs and pick up a book.

"Emily?! Have you seen that fairy girl of a twit?" She walks into my room, hands on her hips.

"What girl?" I gulp. She eyes me.

"Hm ok. But if you see that rat of an child. Kill her!" She shouts, storming out. The girls crawls out from under my bed. Her eyes glimmer with tears.

"You've never told me your name?" I ask.

"Amelia. My names Amelia." She says fiddling with her hair.

"Means Work. Mine means Rival." I say. Rival kinda fits with the Evil mum.

"That's nice..." She says, quietly. Amelia smiles at me and continues to play with her doll.

"Do you want to sneak out?" I blurt out, regretting what I said.

"I you sure we are aloud to do that?" She asks.

"Hmmmm.....probably not. But who cares! I'm the daughter of the person who owns this place! I can do what ever I want!" I shout, standing up on my feet. Amelia looks at me and hugs me tightly.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She screams. I laugh and hugs back.

"Ok, ok. Follow me!" We sneak out the door and head towards the massive doors guarded by guards. I hear my mum in the room.

"Guards find that girl!" I hear her shout. Amelia grabs my hand from behind. I squeeze it tightly, saying everything will be ok, even though I don't think it will.

I walk through the massive doors and come to face my evil mother.

"Hey mum." I say with an edge in my voice. She looks up at me and smirks.

"Oh darling your just in time! Go get me and drink." She orders. I hesitate.

"Actually I'm a bit busy at the moment." I say quietly. I hear Amelia gasp behind me. Yes I know it was risky refusing my mum's orders but I had to get her out the room so I can let Amelia through.

"Go get me a drink. Now." My mother's smile has now disappears and turns into a straight, long line. Her eyes glared at me.

"No." I say, feeling my fingers shiver. She gets up and walks over towards me. I stutter backwards so Amelia could hide behind the door. My mother's face gets so close to me that I could feel her cold breath.

"Never disobey me again." She says. I feel my spine tingle as my mum walks away. She goes through the kitchen door and leaves.

"Omg that was a close one!" I sigh in relief and pulls Amelia from behind me.

"Are you sure this is ok?" She asks me.

"Yea. My mother probably wants to kill you as you stopped doing your duty. So it's my job to get you back to your mother." I say heading towards the massive doors. Guards with muscles guard them.

"How are we going to get through?" Amelia asks.

"Wait here. I got this." I stroll up to the men.

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