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Graces POV

Today is the festival! I'm so excited but scared at the same time! This whole morning I've been phoning Anna for us to meet up as soon as possible so I'm not alone if Nial wants to talk to me.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" She asks as I'm stuffing my face with cereal. I had it on speaker phone so I could eat and talk at the same time.

"Yea a bit. It's a bit hard to explain." Peter, who is in the room, looks up from his phone.

"So 10am we meet up in the entrance of the field."


"K, need to go, bye."

"Bye." I say turning my phone off and get up from the table.

"By the way I'm not going to the festival." Peter says as I'm walking out door but then returning into the room.

"Why not, just stay out of Nathan's way."

"It's too big of a risk, but I think about it." He says, exiting the room. I sigh and go to my room.

*************at the festival **********

I look around the field and see Anna walking towards me.

"Hi girl, so our only objectives today is to not meet Nial, should be easy enough." She says with a smile, while dragging me to the nearest ride.

"Let's go on this, it will be fun!" But I wasn't listening because on the other side of the field was Nial staring at me. "Grace?" Anna says.

"What do I do?" I look at Anna then back at Nial.

Then he starts coming towards us. "Where do I go."

"Grace wait, please." He shouts.

I bolt. My only goal was to get away.  As I was going past all the stalls Peter notices me.

"Grace, stop!" He shouts but I carry on going.

After a while I was sure that Nial wasn't behind me and I stop and the cafe.

"Don't do that!" Anna  puffs sitting at the nearest chair. "I had to explain to your brother why your running for you life, and his only advise was breath.

"Sorry, it's just I don't want to talk to Nial, never." I say.

"So we're doing this for the rest of your life?" She crosses her arms.

"Maybe, come on let's go to the science stall." I drag her towards the crowd and search for the stall. "And we know that Nials not going to go there."

"Cant we just go home and rest, remember you did faint yesterday and the day before that.........you've been fainting ever since Wednesday!"

"Shh you can't tell anyone I fainted, because then they'll want to know why." We reach the stall and Miss Wood is passing out flyers

"Hello girls, are you here to help, because I really need it?" She flusters running to the back of the stall and bringing out a pile of booklets.

"Sure, what do you want us to do?"

"Can you put these out on the display, please?" She hands us the piles and we get to work.

As I'm handing out leaflets I see a glimmer at the corner of my eye.

I look over to it and squint my eyes to see it. This thing seems to be hovering above the ground and has some kind of wings.

"Anna, Anna!!"


"Do you see that?" I point over to where it was a the thing was no where to be seen. "It's gone, there was some-kind of fairy thing and it's gone!"

"I think you might be seeing things, shall I take you home?"

"I'm not seeing things! I promise!" Now Miss Wood has came out.

"Girls I putting you on break for as long as you like, go have fun." She says waving us away.

"Let's go on that ride!" She points over to the big wheel.

"I thought you were scared of heights?"

"Anything to make you stop talking coo coo." She says. 


Hi guys! This chapter was one of the main chapters of my book but it doesn't  seem that interesting. When I first started my book this story was going to be tiny!

Recently I've entered a short story competition and it killed me that I was only aloud to write 500 words or less. Also I had no inspiration for it as the story had to have something to do with record breakers.

School starts on Thursday for me so I'll try as hard as I can to update in time. But this year I don't have much tests as I'm in year 8 😀.


Bye xxxx ~Charlotte~

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