Getting in

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Flora turns to us a cast a spell. Suddenly we become small, the same size as her. "Now you won't be so tall, and will be able to fit in!"

We walk past the small mushroom houses, looking at every fairy that comes by us.

I felt May tug at my arm. She looked at me with pleading eyes to be picked up.

"Mat could you carry May for me?" He smiled and bent down to her. She jumped on his back.

"First I'm going to bring you to my house. You can meet Amelia then!" Flora says cheerfully, skipping down the path.

"Amelia escaped?" Anna asks. Flora nods her head smiling. I feel Mat put his mouth to my ear.

"Why is she so happy?" He asks me.

"I don't know. Maybe because we are in her world?" I look towards a bigger mushroom then the others. Small fairies are rushing out of the door, holding books and backpacks ( rucksacks ) in their hands.

"Hey Flora, is that a school?"

"Yes! Amelia actually goes there but she has been aloud 2 weeks off because they want her to have a rest after being kidnapped!" She laughs, throwing her head back. As we walk slowly past the school, the children look up at us.

"Hey! It's Grace! The girl who is going to save us!" One of them shouts and they all start cheering. I smile and wave at them. As we pas by, fairies come out their houses.

"Why are they coming out?" I ask. Flora just smiles.

"Your famous Grace, everyone wants to see you!" She says. I look at the others and they nod their heads in agreement.

After a while, we reach as mushroom at the end of the path. It has flowers in the garden and a swing set.

"This is my house!" She says and walks through the door. We follow her through.

The first room we get to has pictures of their family on the walls, everywhere. Also there is a sofa and a couple of chairs all pointing towards a large TV.

"This is where I live! Wait there I'll go get Amelia for you." Flora say and exits the room. We all sit down in silence. Eventually, a girl with a pink, swirly dress comes in the room with Flora behind her.

"You must be Amelia! Flora has told us lots about you!" I say smiling.

"Your Grace! The girl everyone talks about! I have so many questions to ask you!" She bounces on the sofa and then looks at everyone in the room. Her eyes land on Mat.

"Amelia? What's wrong?" Anna asks, but her eyes stay locked with Mats.

"I'm sorry." And with that, Amelia rushes out the room. Mat looks worried.

"I've just realised, " Flora says. "I'll go get Amelia." She goes after her, leaving us looking at mat questionably. He shrugs.

They enter the room again, Amelia sitting herself nearer to Mat.

"You have the same eyes as Emily," she looks him up and down, "actually you look a lot like Emily."

I suddenly remember the vision I had a while ago ( Chapter 18 ).

"Who Emily?" We ask her. She goes silent for a moment, then gets up and walks around the room.

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