A Mad Mad world but Anything can Happen

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I pick up my phone a punch in the number. While it was ringing I was thinking how it was. But what do i do if a  stranger answers. Or a kidnapper! I was too busy wondering who it was when's voice what heard  down the end.

"Hello, is this Grace?" Oh great, the person/ kidnapper/ stranger  knows my name. But there was only one thing to do.

"Yes this is grace..... Who are you?" I sound like an idiot. I silently face palm and then yelling in pain as I hit it to hard

"Um this is Nial from school. I was wondering if you could help me on the science project we have that's due on the midsummer fair?" Omg its Nial!! What do I do? Should I hang up or just not say anything? I've been dreaming of this for years but when it does come I turn into the most stupid person in the world. Plus my head still hurts from face palming

"Hello are you still there?" Ok i have to make up my mind and go with the first thing that came through my mouth.

"YES! I mean, sure Ill help. When do you want to meet up?"

"Park at 4:00 on Friday k?" It seemed like he had this all planned out but that didn't get me down!

"Yea ok, 4 it is."

"Ok....Bye" I hand up and jump in my room!!  I can't believe I'm meeting up with Nial! I was thinking about it for the rest of the evening. This summer keeps getting better and better!


When I was getting into bed I hear Peter whispering to himself in his room. That is normal for Peter as he gets a lot on his mind but I was listen to what he was saying:

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die" I wait for a minute to think about what was happening. This does happen a lot but usually he talks about girls and how to look tomorrow.

I decide I'm going to see what's up and walk down to his room. Before entering, I stop for a moment to see if he's still awake but when I'm pressing my ear against the door no one's talking except the sound of May crying downstairs. I peek into his room and find him sleeping on the bed but clutching his phone. I wasn't going to dare and take it out of his hand or it will wake him and then he will get angry that I'm in his room so I leave.

When i get it to my room I add up all the things that have happened today that's bad. It started with Anna falling mysteriously then I find out that I'm not making a cake with my mum and then my brother is saying that he is going aump into my bed and snuggle the covers up to my chin. I silently squeal to myself and think for a moment. I feel like I need to tell someone about the phone call from Nial and the creeping thing about Peter. I cant really talk to my family, it will be too weird. But, I do know 1 person who I can talk to and it would be good to ask about what happened earlier.

And that person is Anna


A/N: do you guys like this chapter???
I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for not updating quick enough but I promise I'm going to do it more because I'm going on holiday! But, I'm not aloud to bring my laptop so I'm just using my phone to do it.
I've been planning the chapters that's later on but I'm just going to say that the next chap is sad 😢 but not too sad you won't cry.

Do you like me doing this thing?

LYSM ~Charlotte~

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