Now you know

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"Grace?" Anna comes through the door. I get up and run over to her to hug her. "What happened?"

I explain all the things that happened, breaking into tears. Anna try's to cheer me.

"Well at least Nial will get detention now because he hasn't done his homework." We both laugh. I look at my vibrating phone. I stair at the number at give it too Anna. She looks at me questionably.

"Nial." I whisper. She puts the phone up to her ear. I can hear a voice down the end.

"Yea hi Nial, why did you do that to grace?" She screams down the phone. Nial is saying something but Anna puts the phone down, rolling her eyes. "Boys are stupid."

"Yea, I know." I say disappointedly. The phone is vibrating again but this time it's Peter. "Hello?"

"Grace, send your friend home because it's nearly 5." He says. I look at the time and notice it's 4:59

"Way to leave it late," I say " K, bye." Anna is wandering around my room pacing a little bit.

"Hey, um my mum has made dinner s-"

The clock strikes 5 and I scream. Anna runs to my side as I fall to the floor. The screams continue as I don't black out. I haven't been this long without fainting.I breath harshly and look up with pain in my eyes as Peter runs into my room and comes to the over side of me.

I scrunch up in a ball, my head pounding. After few more seconds I finally go black into darkness.

Peters POV

I look at Graces friend who I think her name is called Anna and she looks really calm. I would be freaking out......wait I was freaking out when it first happened.

"Has this been happening a lot?" She asks me.

"Yea, ever since Wednesday." I reply. I squeeze Graces white hand and hold it up to my face.

Then Anna puts her finger on Graces white head and closes her eyes. I could see her struggling but then Suddenly Graces face becomes pink again and starts moving.

"How did you do that?" I ask

Graces POV

"How did you do that?" Peter asks looking at Anna.

"Huh?" I say sitting up.

"What time does this happen?" Anna looks at me calmly.

"5." We say.

Anna POV

I don't know how to tell them. My best friend is like me. We go into the living room and sit down.

"Grace has powers." I announce waiting for their reaction. They both stare at me like I was making it up.

"Please believe me, she does" I say pleadingly, hoping I don't sound weird.

"What do you mean?" Grace says worriedly.

"That used to happen to me, the fainting. Luckily my mum knew what was happening to me so she helped. Every time I'll faint she'll do what I did to Grace." I look at Peter.

"So you were healing grace?" He says looking at me.

"Wait, what did you do when I was out?" She says.

"I put my finger on you head and Yes, and if you faint and in worse cases, scream, there's a possibility that you have powers." I say quickly.

"How can you be sure. Maybe I  just I'll?" Grace says going into a tight ball with her head sticking out.

"Well there's time slots when every person with powers faint. And the 5 o'clock one is only one free. Don't be afraid, I can help you, and it's good Peter knows as he's a relative." I say caring as I can.

"Whats your power?" Peter asks. I smile and hold my hands out.

"Electricity" Then the lights go out and a ball of electricity floats above my hand.

"Woah!" They both say. Suddenly the lights go back on and the ball disappears.

"We just need to find out your power." I nod at grace who looks like she's about to break into tears.

"I......I'm scared." She says in a small voice. I walk over to her and squeeze her into a hug. Peter come joins us.

"How about you come see my mother tomorrow and you can talk as she has powers too." I see a smile on her face and relax. I get up and grab my bag.

"Well I best be going, my time is soon, 5:48, so bye guys." I walk towards the door.

"Don't worry about it grace, we're here to help." I say before walking out.

Graces POV

Both me and Peter are still huddled together as I cry into his chest.

"I'm scared, it hurts and I don't know what to do!" I sob while Peter carries me up the stairs.

He takes me into my room and lowers me on the bed.

"Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" I ask still crying.

"Sure." He says feeling my forehead. He takes his hand away and puts it behind his back. I turn and fall asleep.

Peters POV

Her temperature burnt me.


Hi guys! Sorry I didn't update Monday, I've been very busy with life.

I didn't really like this chapter much until the end. But it's still long.

LYSM ~Charlotte~

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