I'm The Person You Want

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Graces POV

I had to get to him. He can't be hurt because of me, I'll never forgive myself.

"Grace! I'm coming with you." Someone shouts. Anna comes beside me, grabbing my arm.

"Anna, I can't get you hurt too!"

"But I'm here to help!" She says pleadingly.

"I can't lose anyone, it would be my fault if any of you dies, I can't let that happen!" Tears stream from my eyes. I leave her and run to my destination, carful not to waste any of my time.

No one is going to get in my way.

I finally get to where I was going. The field where the fair was held. And in the middle of it was Peter and what must be Decrin,

I could see Decrin turn a look at me. Her gleaming, evil smile showed when she spotted my figure.

"Oh look! The girl I was waiting for! How nice of you to come and join me and your brother! She shouts.

"Let him go!" Fire comes out from my hands.

"Oooo look at that! A feisty one she is! Plus that power is so beautiful, I just want it for myself!" She crackles.

"Shut up!" I say walking towards her.

"Did you hear that? She just told me to shut up!" Decrin smiled, irritating me more.

"I said, SHUT UP!" I shoot a fire ball at her face causing her to duck.

"So I tried to play nice, that didn't work. I tried to play funny and that obviously didn't work. So now it's time for me to play mean."

A yellow ball hovers above her hand and she shoots it towards me. I duck but the ball somehow still seamed to hit me, shoving me to the ground.

"Grace!" I hear Peter faintly shouts

"Ah, sibling love, how revolting. Why don't we hurt you and see what her reaction is, hey?" Decrin turns to Peter, pulling out a small knife from her pocket.

"It's me the one you want!" I shout, struggling to stand up.

"Oh don't think I've forgotten you, I'm just getting started."

The knife skims Peters back, making it bleed.


She does it a second time, earning a scream from Peter.

"Yes, and that's the sound I want to hear! Pain, yes, pain!" Decrin laughs. I run up to her and grab her wrist.

"Grace.......please......I'm f..f...fine." Peter says through winces.

"Yea he's fine, forget about him, now, let's have a little talk eh?"

"Stop hurting my friends, stop hurting my family and just leave!" Smoke comes up from where I'm holding onto her wrist.

"Ow! Your burning me! Let go!" She complains. I hold onto my grip.

"I won't let go till you leave!" I say tightening  my hand around her wrist.

"Ok fine, I'm leaving!" I gradually let go. "But this  won't be the last of me."

She disappears into fin air leaving a puff of green smoke in the position.  I fall to my knees, breathing sharply.

"Grace.....are you hurt?" Peter crocks. I immediately run up to him and squeeze him into a hug, avoiding his cuts.

"I'm so sorry you got hurt, I never meant for this to happen, I should of been the one who got cut!" I cry into his T-Shirt. Peters arms wrap around me.

"No, don't be sorry. I'm just glad your ok." A drop of tear splats onto my sleeve and I look up. He smiles back at me, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Your cuts! Does it hurt?! Should we go get a doctor?! I think we need a Hospital!" I say, studying the cuts.

"Their fine, Flora can just give me a healing spell." He chuckles.

"You sure?"

"I'm sure."

"I wonder why Decrin just left? Wouldn't she want to destroy us instead of running away?" I ask.

"She will be back. And when she does, we need to be prepaired." Flora appears from behind me, quickly followed by Anna.

"I don't think I could do that again." I say, rubbing my eyes.

"Thats because you weren't trained. Our official training lesson starts Thursday." She says. I squeal and jump about.

"Oh and I'll be there to help, along the way." Anna puts in. They both spot Peters cuts. "Omg! What happened?!"

"Decrin thought it would be nice to scrape my back with a knife." He says starcasticly.

"I can help with that." Flora says. She walks over to Peter and hovers her hand over his back.

"Oh I've seen her do this before! The cuts will magically heal in the next few days!" Anna says.

"Yes. They should be gone soon, if it hurts just rub some cream on it."

We all get up and head home after a stressful day. I wonder what surprises will happen this week!


Yay! I'm on time! I actually finished this chapter Thursday night but I wanted to keep to my schedual. If you don't know what day I post it's any hour ( and I mean any hour ) on Mondays and if I don't post on Monday it will be either late Wednesday or next Monday.

I found this chapter really hard as I can't make loving sibling moments in writing! I always think if it was real life what would happen but I've never been in that place or seen it happen!

Who's side are you on now? Decrin or Flora/parents? This chapter may have swayed you as Decrin shot at Grace and cut Peter but in a few chapter earlier when Flora was telling Graces life story, Decrin believed that Grace could be good and wanted to keep her powers.

By the way, I've changed Mays age to 1 year and she can talk like a 3 year old. Remember that this book is a coming process and I will change things in other chapters.

Halloween is coming up! I would do a Halloween special but it's set in the summer so it would be out of place. Are any of you going trick or treating? I feel like I'm too old for it but I'm still doing it! I love all the chocolates! I have no idea what I'm going to be, I was going to be a Japanese school girl but the outfit cost too much so I think I'm going to be a black Angel.

I've recently looked at how good my story is doing:
144 reads
41 votes
It may not seem a lot to some but to know that people are actually using their time to read my book feels me with joy. I would like some more comments tho!

See you next Monday! Happy ( early ) Hallowen 😈


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