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"Darling I think it's time you wake up" My mum walks into the room with a tray full of food. I sit up and yawn.

"How long have I been sleeping?" I ask spooning up the porridge and putting it into my mouth.

"24 hours sweetie, poor Peter has been visiting you every single hour. I wonder why." I gasp at the thought of Peter waiting for me hours on end. "Today me and your father are going out so you, Peter and May will be on your own."

She picks up the still full tray beside me and walks out the room. I get up and dress into a red dress with a necklace that I brought at a book shop.

I walk down the stairs and turn my head when a door open behinds me. Peter comes out from his room in his pyjamas and walks behind me.

He looked worried so I gave him a smile and continued walking down. As I open the kitchen door and  hear screaming May thats running around the room with a cut on her leg . My mum is chasing  after her with a plaster in her hand while my dad is pacing around the room.

"Things around here has got busy while I was gone." I say opening the fridge to find a not iced cake sitting on the shelf in tact. Turning to Peter I smile in thanks who nods.

"Ok we ready to go?" My mum asks my dad as she's rushing out the door.

"Ok you two, be good, look after May, and don't mess up the house!" My dad says before shutting the front door and leaving.

"Soooo....... Should we play with May until she falls asleep?" Peter asks turning to the now very hyper May on the sofa.

"Ok, hey May do you wanna play Tag your it?" I put a fake smile on my face and start running.

"Hehe!" May shouts and starts to toddle after me and Peter.

******** ****2 hours later**********

"Well, that was a tough game." Peter sighs collapsing on the sofa next to me.

"Who knew that May could play the same game for that long," I say closing my eyes before getting interrupted by a crying girl crawling up the stairs. "Ok, I'm coming."

I walk over to her and pick up the squirming child and carry May up to her room.

Once I got May asleep I stroll into the kitchen to find Peter holding the fire cake and two orange and red squirters. 

"We might aswell do something while we talk" He says gesturing me over to him.

"So who's first?" I ask grabbing one of the squirters and start to apply the cake.

"Me, the reason why I get those text messages is because there's this boy at school called Nathan." My mind sees this boy in the school yard. Nathan was a bully at our school but everyone was afraid to turn him in. I used to see him in the school yard pinning people down.

"It was because I turned him in and he then got detention, so that's why he's after me." Peter looks down and continues to decorate the cake. "Your turn, what happened?"

**************flashback************"When I fell I can remember my whole body aching. I couldn't move and my brain was shutting down. I was screaming then you came and my eye sight went black."

********End of flashback**********
My mind instantly thinks of Anna and what happened to her.

"You know when Anna came round, something like that happened to her while we were doing homework," I say.

"But what does it mean?" Peter looks at me. "Will it happen again?" He asks.

"I don't know." Both me and him stay silent for a while and think.

After finishing decorating the cake we put it back in the fridge.

"Thanks for helping me." I say and walk up to my room.

***********5 o'clock****************

"So, is mum and dad not home yet?" I ask Peter as I'm spooning food into Mays mouth.

"No, I've tried calling but no answer." He says looking at his phone.

Then it happened again.

The pain in my head is less now but enough for me to scream. I'm falling but Peter catches me before I hit the ground. I black out.


Hey peeps, bit of a boring chapter but the next will hopefully be better. I was feeling no inspiration so it was a bit rushed. I have nothing to say.......bye!

Hands Of Fire ( Completed )Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora