We Were Only 7

45 6 8

Grace's POV

We look at each other then laugh.

"I don't know why this is so funny!" Mat says sitting back down on the bench.

"Yea. I can't believe I met someone who also has powers!" I say smiling.

We look at each other for what felt like a life time. I think we were both wishing that this moment could last longer.

"Well I need to go. I'll see you soon." Mat kisses me on the cheek and leaves the park. I sit there, just going over what happened is real.

*Beep Beep*

I look over to the lit up phone. Anna shows up on a screen and I pick it up.

"Hey!" I say.

"What happened?! I've just seen Mat come by smiling like a mad man!" Anna answers.

"Um.....we kinda....um kissed." Suddenly I hear screaming from the other end.

"YOU KISSED!?!?!" Anna shrieks.

"Yes......its not that big of a deal."

"Get over here, right now!"  Anna shouts down the phone. I laugh, standing up.

"Ok,ok. I'm coming." I walk through the gate and start walking down the street.

"K. See ya soon. Bye." Anna says and hangs up.


I stroll up to Anna's door and knock on the hard, wooden surface. It immediately opens to a wide eyed, massive grin Anna. She had a pen in one hand and a note book in the other.

"You look....excited." I say.

"And you aren't?! This is a massive mile stone in your life! Come, come my best friend. Your date will all be in writing!" Anna bounces up and down.

"Lemme guess? You'll use it against me when we are all grown up and you won't be so childish?" I say smirking.

"Touché." We laugh and run up the stairs into Anna's room. Anna jumps onto her bed and I plant myself into a beanbag.

"Ok. Tell me the deets!"

********flash back****************

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to this!" Fire shot out of my hand and shoots a guy in the leg. All the guys ran away all except one.

"You don't scare me."

"Maybe this will." Light shot out of Mat's hand, hitting the guy in the leg.

*********End of flash back********

"O...M...G Mat has powers?!" Anna screams.

"Yep! Light powers!" I smile.

"That would explain why he's always round my house." Anna says. She freezes.

"What? You only make that face when you realise something."

"Mat might be coming round in I dunno," she peers down at her watch, "now?" My heart stops beating and my eyes widen.

"Why does he come round your house?!" I scream.

"I don't know! Why don't you ask your new boyfriend!" Anna shouts back.

As on que, the door bell goes. We look at each other and run to the banisters. We stick our head through the poles, like what we done when we were younger.

"Do you think it's him?" I ask.

"Imagine if it wasn't, we'll look like numptys!" She laughs. I glare at her.

"Concentrate!" I whisper to her as Anna's mum walks up to the door. She opens it and we could hear two ladies talking.

My hands tighten on the pole as they walked in. Our eyes wander to the last person to come in.

"Guess who it is." I hear Anna whisper beside me. And in comes Mat, staring down at his phone.

"He reminds me of my brother...." I say.

They all walk into the living room. We both get up and I sigh.

"I'm not going down there without your permission to." Anna grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"No. Let's go down together." I bring her down the stairs very slowly. I turn to Anna who has her hands into a shape of a gun.

I nearly burst out laughing but my hand covers my mouth too stop it. She, however, couldn't hold it in so a squeal comes out of her mouth.

"Anna, shut up!" I whisper but Anna's mum must of heard me.

"Anna?! Grace?! Is that you?!" We hear her mum shout.

"Yea mum!" Anna shouts back, silently face palming. We come down the stairs and into the living room. There sits Mat who is hiding back a grin.

"Hello girls! This is Helana and Mat, her son." Anna's mum introduces us, even though we don't need introducing to Mat.

"Hello Anna. I knew you father, I was there when you cut down the power in the hospital,"They both laugh. "Even Mat was there. He was the only kid other then you who was there. He was the kid who pulled you back when your dads body-" Helena chocked back the tears. "Mat was the person who pulled you back when your dad's body got dragged through the doors."

I put an hand over Anna's back. Mat has small tears, remembering what happened.

"We were only 7...." Anna trails off. Silent fills the room.

"And you! The famous Grace Edwards! The girl who will change Fairys and Power people around the world!" Helena laughs.

"Am I that famous?" I ask. I could hear Anna and Mat muffle a laugh.

"Your a big hit Grace! Your the person everyone says that their going to save the world!" Helena says, gleaming a big smile.

"You serious?"

"Yep! Even I got put on a chase to find you." Mat grins.

"I think you've succeeded." I smile back. Everyone looks at us.

"How about you girls and boy go upstairs and play?" Anna's mum says.

"It's hang out mum." Anna says and runs up the stairs into her room. Both me and Mat follow her up.

"You guys are like lovely dovey!" Anna shrieks. I'll feel my face goes bright red and I feel a hand go behind my back.

"And I love Grace." Mat says, squeezing me into his chest.

"I need to write a book about you two one day!" Anna shouts.

"And hopefully it will finish: And they lived happily ever after." I smile.

"I hope that too." Mat smiles

If there is a small bit of hope in the world, it can get bigger.


Hello!! I just managed to get to 1000 words as my new goal is 1000 words instead of 500.

This chapter was meant to be really short, and for once it was. Mat though, the feels 😭😭😭 I just can't! It's just so sad!

Ok. This week, lots of terrorist attacks. One in California with 16 people and in my own country, 2 hours from where I actually live, London stabbing with 3 people 😭😭 I am physically terrified, I really am. I'm going to Germany and London in a week so I'm really scared. Why can't there just be peace in the world? Why?

Off of that sad note, I'll see you, hopefully if I remember, with my new chapter next week. I'm going to be in Germany that day and also very busy.




Bye xxxxxx

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