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Hey guys i hope you guys enjoy this one this will be a happy one because why not but thanks for reading my book would be nice to know.

Mention of Self harm, Eating disorder 

Nicks perspective 

It's been a few days since Charlie self harm but he is getting better at eating and being honest and i love him so much so i plan him a surprise date he deserved it so much and it 8:30 AM and i want to be out the door by  9:30 AM so i need to wake Charlie up for breakfast i have cereal and Charlie has Butter on toast because it one of his safe food i'm going to wake him up now "Char baby it's time to get up i made you breakfast" Charlie says "thanks babe i will be down in a minute as i kiss him" i go downstairs while when he brushing his teeth.

Charlie perspective

Nick wakes me up saying he made breakfast i love him so much he cooks breakfeast every day because of my OCD i always wash the plates though i went into our bathroom to brush my teeth and made my way downstairs i see Nick on his chair he made me a cup of coffee i love coffees and i sit down next to him and we both finish our plates and Nick says to me "I'm so proud of you char" i say "thanks babe and give him a kiss on the cheek" i wash the dishes then i suddenly hear Nick say "i got a surprise for you" after i hear that i scream "OMG WHAT IS IT" he says "You just have to wait and see" ugh fine i say it was 9:10 AM and Nick says we have to be their for 9:30 AM and i hate being late so i shout "Nick lets get going i don't want to be late" we headed through our apartment door and i lock the door.

Nicks perspective 

I hear Charlie shout "Nick lets get going i don't want to be late" i went downstairs and headed out our front door and off we went Charlie locks the door because i lose stuff easier so Charlie just does it we on the way their i got the picnic packed in the boot we are here and the first thing Charlie says is "Nick were having a picnic in our date spot when we were in high school" i say "yes Char it is our date spot let's get the stuff out of the car" i say and we sat down in our normal spot and start eating i have a surprise for charlie i got us engagement rings i want to propose in our favourite spot for dates while we finished eating i say "Charlie Francis Spring would u make me the happiness man alive and marry me" Charlie stays silent for about a minute.

Charlies perspective 

Nick just said "Charlie Francis Spring would you make me the happiness man alive and marry me" i just stayed silent for a minute i couldn't believe that Nick wanted to marry me i say "Yes Nick i want to marry you" and nick kisses me in the lips and we headed back to our apartment and nick hold my hand the entire way back we got out and sat on the couch and watched the a movie we were going to text the Paris group chat that we got engaged.

Paris group chat


Guess who got engaged 


Congrats love birds.


So happy for you guys.


So happy for you guys Tao says get a room


Thank you guys and tell Tao i we do have our own room anyway bye guys.

Nicks perspective

I couldn't believe me and charlie got engaged today we just lay down on the couch and put on a movie we texted the Paris group chat to tell our friends that we got engaged and after that Charlie fell asleep on my chest so i picked him up and carried up to bed and we cuddled and i drifted of to sleep.

The next day 

Charlie perspective 

I woke up and i was in bed Nick must off carried me to bed last night Nick was still asleep i loved his blond hair and his brown eyes i moved and went into the bathroom so i went into the shower and brush my teeth and went downstairs to get a snack since nick makes breakfast i eaten my snack and went back upstairs and went back to bed and lay on Nicks chest until he wakes up.

Nicks perspective 

I woke up and saw Charlie head on my chest asleep i kissed him on the head and waited to see him wake up 10 minutes later Charlie starts moving and i say "Good morning baby" Charlie says "Good morning babe how are you" charlie said "I'm good thanks should i make breakfast" Charlie nods in agreement and make some waffles and we sat down and talked and we finished breakfast and Charlie cleans up the dishes then Charlie crept on to me and kisses me on the lips and i kiss him back it was great to know that Charlie is so happy and i can't believe that we got engaged yesterday but i'm going back to work tomorrow and would be the first time in months so Charlie would be all alone for most of the day so i want to get a puppy because i love nellie so would be a great idea to get one i found one called Henry i was going to pick him up and when i got him he is 9 weeks old and i'm opening the door,

Charlie perspective 

I watched our front door opened and see Nick holding something it was a puppy i couldn't believe it i screamed "NICK U DIDN'T OMGGG TY I LOVE YOU" Nick quickly replies "Yes char his name is Henry and he is 9 weeks old and i love you to char and kissed him on the lips" i love dogs after Nellie so i couldn't believe that we got one it was so cute i was so happy Nick was making dinner we sat and we ate it all and we were heading to bed and put Henry on his cage would be interesting because puppy normal cries all night until they get used to it and we will try our best.

I hope you enjoy this part guys and thanks for reading it i am so glad 

1117 words 

Next part will be around 3 or 4 PM so watch it to be posted around 5 or PM so enjoy this part  

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