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Hey guys, I hope you enjoy part 10, and thanks for 288 reads, i can't believe it and enjoy I know another late one but college again but Thursday I'm off, so I part 12 will be out early. :)

Mention of ED/Eating Disorder/Self harm/Ben 

TW Eating disorder 

Nicks POV:

I woke up, and I fell straight asleep last night after the perfect day we had, and I gently get up and go downstairs to feed our puppy Henry and I get myself a glass of water and go upstairs to get a shower and brush my teeth I go back to our room and see Charlie on his phone he looks up from it and sees me he says "Hi babe you okay" I just smiled and say "Yea I'm okay" we go downstairs, and I make breakfast and I get the plates and eat Charlie ate all of his he is getting better with breakfast not dinner, but he is getting better Charlie washes the dishes and I go into our room and Change out of PJ so wouldn't really matter what I were because were going bowling with Tao and Elle because Charlie close with Elle because she has been struggling, so she calls Charlie every time.

Charlie's POV:

 Nick had planned to go bowling with Tao and Elle, which was great to see Elle after she's been struggling with lately i've her close's friend to talk to because I knew what she was going through from my years off being bad and having bad days, so I couldn't wait to see her and Tao he has been great support for her to, and it would be great to see them I see nick walking downstairs and I give him a smile and I go upstairs to get a shower and brush my teeth and get some clothes on, and I told nick come on we have to get going now he says "Coming char bear" I love that he calls me char bear it makes me blush every time we get out the door and Nick opens the passenger door god i love him of course we were 20 minutes away we arrived, and I see Tao and Elle and I run to Elle to give her the biggest hug ever I say "How are you doing now" she says "Way better now you're here" I just smiled and see that she was better now were in person she has been through a lot and I love her so much.

Nicks POV:

We arrived, I can tell Charlie was excited to go and see Elle we get out of the car and Charlie runs to Elle and give her the biggest hug I can tell how much he cares about her because Charlie and Elle went through so much in high school and even though what Charlie did in high with his eating disorder and self harm and Ben, but we haven't seen much of him since high school what was good, so I was talking with Tao while going inside the bowling ally we were going to play 2 games of bowling, and we started playing and Tao couldn't still get good since high school at Charlie's 15 birthday, but Elle won the first game, and we were ordering food and I see Elle saying she needed to use the Bathroom and Charlie says "I'm going to check on her" I just nodded.

Charlie's POV:

I went to check in on Elle, she wasn't in the bathroom, I saw her outside crying I went to her and say "Elle are you okay" she just looked at me and say "No I'm not Charlie" she started crying and pulled her up for a hug I knew what was going on she couldn't bare with seeing the sight of food I say "It's okay Elle you can tell me anything I'm your best friend" she stopped crying and gave me a smile and says "I'm can't eat at the moment Tao hasn't really notice, but it's hard for me at the moment" I just stare and see all the flashbacks I had I don't want her to go into anything as bad as I did i tell her "I can tell Tao if you want you need to let him know he will help you with anything you know that" She nodded and smiled, and We go back, and I pull Tao aside and say "Tao Elle not okay" he looked at me confused "She's not eating I mean not at all, and she didn't want to tell you, but she needs you right now" He just nodded, and he goes and talk to Elle, and they come back, and I see a smile on Elle face glad to see she's doing good we finished our 2nd game and Nick won that one I'm not surprised at all we say our goodbyes and Nick says "Hey babe you okay" I say "Yea I'm glad Elle doing better now" He just nodded, and I say "I think Elle got an eating disorder" He looks at me sad face and says "I hope she feels better and get Tao to help her" I smile and nodded to agree with that we got home, and it was 10:00PM we went straight to bed and my eyes started to drift off to sleep.

Hey guys, here is a longer one i hope you like this, and Thanks for the views on these books I really appecite it and enjoy reading this Tomorrow will be an early post, so please look out for that and enjoy. :) 

939 Words 

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