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Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this part, and thanks for reading this book, I really appreciate it and, enjoy. :)

Mention of eating disorder

TW Screaming/Nightmare 

TW panic attack

Nicks POV:

 I felt my eyes started to drift, but then I hear Charlie screaming my eyes are wide open and see Charlie sweating and not breathing properly I can tell he is panicking I say "Char breath" he says "I- can-t" I say "Take 3 deep breaths" he does, and he starts to calm down, and I say "Char you okay" he says "Yea just a nightmare" I just nodded and put Charlie back to bed cuddling and we both fell asleep.

Charlie's POV:

I woke up and remembered everything, I was having a panic attack I was so lucky Nick was there I haven't told him what was the nightmare about, but I wasn't ready to tell him yet even though were fiancé's I wasn't ready, yet I get up and go have a shower and brush my teeth and made my way downstairs to make Henry his breakfast and made myself a cup of coffee and just sit, and after a while nick makes his way back downstairs he comes up to me and gives me a kiss and goes into the kitchen to make breakfast I don't feel like eating.

Nicks POV:

I woke up and Charlie not there, I go into the bathroom to have a shower and brush my teeth I go downstairs and see Charlie on the couch got a cup of coffee I go into the kitchen and make breakfast I finish plating up breakfast and call Charlie to come and eat he goes into the kitchen and sit on the kitchen table with me and something is off with him, I say "Char you OK" he just says "Mhm" I say "Char babe you can tell me anything" he says "I said I'M FINE NICK" I was shocked Charlie never snapped at me for ages, but maybe it wasn't one of his days I don't say anything and go upstairs.

Charlie's POV

I snapped at Nick while having breakfast, I was so dumb, he was only trying to help, and he didn't say anything else he just ate his breakfast and went upstairs I'm such a stupid Fiancé I started screaming I was so angry with myself I didn't know what to do I just smashed the plates and Nick came downstairs to try and calm me down it worked then I just cried into his shoulder and say "I'm so sorry nick" he says "There no need to apologize for I know your having one of them shit days" I loved that he always know when I'm having a bad day I say "Nick can we talk" he says "Of course Babe" I say "The nightmare I was having last night was me having flashbacks of My mum when she did all those horrible stuff to me, so I didn't want to tell you" He then says "Char you can tell me anything right" and again he was right with everything else I did love him and were getting married, and I didn't want to end it there, so I'm glad that I told him everything because I trust him with all my heart and I couldn't believe it for the rest of the day we sat on the couch and watch Netflix we had dinner and lunch, and it was time for bed Nick pulled me close to him and my eyes started to drift.  

I hope you enjoy this part, sorry if it's short it will be longer tomorrow and if you have any ideas let me know, I would love to hear them. :)

619 Words 


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