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Hey guys, part 40 is here I hope you like it also scheduled will be Monday for this book Tuesday for the university book and Wednesday for the school book and probably one on Saturday or Sunday but I'll see but thanks for 13.2K I really appreciate it and love you all so much.

Nick's POV:
The alarm clock rang, signaling the start of a new day. I groggily opened my eyes, feeling the warmth of Charlie's body beside me. As I kissed him goodbye, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of the day ahead. I was a primary school teacher, and there was nothing I loved more than shaping young minds.

Arriving at the school, I was greeted by the energetic chatter of my students. Their smiling faces and eager voices filled the classroom, bringing a sense of joy to my heart. Throughout the day, I guided them through lessons, answered their questions, and watched as their eyes lit up with understanding.

As the final bell rang, I bid farewell to my students, their laughter echoing down the hall. It was time to head home and spend the evening with Charlie. The anticipation of seeing him always made the last few minutes of the workday fly by.

As I opened the front door, the aroma of a delicious meal greeted me. Charlie had gone grocery shopping and taken charge of dinner. The sight of him in the kitchen, focused and determined, brought a smile to my face. I walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Welcome home, Nick," Charlie said, his voice filled with warmth. "Dinner will be ready soon."

I couldn't help but feel grateful for Charlie's thoughtfulness. We sat down at the dining table, the food artfully prepared before us. We savored every bite, exchanging stories of our day and relishing in each other's company. The laughter and love that filled our conversations made the meal all the more special.

After dinner, we settled onto the couch, ready to unwind and relax. Charlie picked out a movie, and we snuggled together, lost in the world of the film. The soft glow of the screen illuminated our faces as we laughed, cried, and shared moments of tenderness.

As the movie came to an end, Charlie leaned his head against my shoulder, his breathing steady and calm. I wrapped my arm around him, pulling him closer. In that moment, I knew that with Charlie by my side, every day would be filled with love, joy, and endless possibilities. As we drifted off to sleep, I couldn't wait to wake up to a brand new day with him.

Charlie's POV:
As Nick left for work, I set off on my daily mission of grocery shopping. The bustling aisles of the supermarket were filled with people, but my mind was focused on the evening ahead. I carefully selected fresh ingredients, imagining the delicious meal I would prepare for Nick when he returned home.

Arriving back at our apartment, I unloaded the groceries and began preparing dinner. The kitchen buzzed with activity as pots and pans clattered, and the aroma of spices filled the air. I couldn't wait to surprise Nick with a home-cooked meal, a small gesture to show him my love and appreciation.

Just as the final touches were being made, I heard the sound of the front door opening. Nick's tired but happy face appeared, and my heart skipped a beat. I turned around, a smile spreading across my face.

"Welcome home, Nick," I said, my voice filled with warmth. "Dinner's ready."

We sat down at the table, savoring the feast before us. Nick's appreciative glances and compliments made all the effort worthwhile. We talked and laughed, sharing stories of our day, and simply enjoying the simple pleasure of being together.

After dinner, we settled onto the couch, ready to unwind. Nick nestled closer to me, and I could feel the weight of the day slowly fading away. We picked out a movie, losing ourselves in the story unfolding on the screen. Laughter, tears, and shared moments of comfort filled the room.

As the movie credits rolled, I leaned my head against Nick's shoulder, feeling a sense of peace wash over me. His arm wrapped around me, holding me close, and I knew that this was where I belonged. In his embrace, every worry and fear melted away, leaving behind only love and contentment.

Together, we basked in the quiet moments, knowing that our love would carry us through whatever challenges lay ahead. As the day drew to a close, we fell asleep, our hearts and souls intertwined, ready to face a brand new day together. And as I drifted off, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the simple joys of everyday life, knowing that with Nick by my side, each day would be filled with love and happiness.

Hey guys, I hoped you enjoy this part and reached 40 parts on this book and soon there will be a great parts coming but I want to know what you guys want should Charlie get pregnant or they get a surrogate or they adopt love to know your opinion on it and have a great day. xx :)
~Josh 878 Words

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