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Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this part and exciting couple of parts coming also thanks for 8.45K I sorry I haven't been active much been busy but hope you enjoy it

Day 1
Nick's POV:
Excitement bubbled within Nick as he and Charlie packed their bags for their long-awaited trip to the Maldives. A seven-day holiday in paradise was exactly what they needed to unwind and reconnect. Nick carefully folded his clothes, envisioning the sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters that awaited them.

Arriving at their destination, Nick was in awe of the beauty that surrounded them. The turquoise ocean stretched out before his eyes, and the warm breeze kissed his skin. They checked into their luxurious villa and wasted no time in changing into their swimsuits.

As they stepped onto the powdery sand, Nick felt a sense of freedom and joy. They splashed in the waves, laughter echoing through the air. Nick couldn't help but marvel at Charlie's radiant smile, feeling grateful to share this paradise with the love of his life.

As the day drew to a close, they walked hand in hand along the beach, the setting sun casting a golden hue over the horizon. Nick's heart swelled with happiness, knowing that they had a whole week ahead of them to relax and create cherished memories.

Charlie's POV:
Charlie's heart danced with anticipation as he and Nick packed their bags for their trip to the Maldives. It was a dream come true, a chance to escape reality and immerse themselves in the beauty of the islands. Charlie carefully chose his favorite clothes, imagining the blissful days ahead.

Stepping off the plane, Charlie was greeted by a breathtaking sight. The clear blue waters and white sandy beaches beckoned to him, promising an unforgettable experience. They checked into their villa, and Charlie couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through his veins.

Changing into his swim trunks, Charlie felt the weight of the world slip away as he and Nick headed to the beach. They splashed, swam, and laughed, their love and happiness filling the air. Charlie's heart overflowed with gratitude for this precious time together in such a stunning location.

As the sun began to set, they strolled along the shoreline, hand in hand. The colors of the sky mirrored the love that filled Charlie's heart. He knew that the next seven days would be filled with relaxation and cherished moments, his soul nourished by the beauty of the Maldives.

Day 2
Nick's POV:
On the second day of their Maldives trip, Nick woke up to the gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore. He smiled, feeling a sense of tranquility wash over him. After enjoying a leisurely breakfast, he and Charlie decided to explore the island.

Hand in hand, they strolled along the pristine beaches, their feet sinking into the soft sand. The vibrant colors of the ocean mesmerized Nick, and he couldn't help but feel grateful for this incredible experience. They laughed, took pictures, and simply reveled in each other's company.

As the day progressed, they decided to have a romantic dinner at a beachfront restaurant. The flickering candlelight and the sound of the ocean provided a perfect backdrop for their date. Nick gazed into Charlie's eyes, his heart overflowing with love. They savored delicious food, shared stories, and danced under the starlit sky.

Returning to their Maldives house, Nick and Charlie slipped into bed, exhausted but content. Nick held Charlie close, feeling a sense of peace and fulfillment. He knew that this trip was not just about the stunning location, but about the deepening of their bond and the creation of cherished memories.

Charlie's POV:
As the sun rose on the second day of their Maldives trip, Charlie opened his eyes to a breathtaking view of the ocean. The serenity of the surroundings filled him with a sense of calm and gratitude. After a relaxed breakfast, he and Nick decided to embark on an adventure.

Exploring the island hand in hand, Charlie marveled at the natural beauty that surrounded them. The vibrant colors of the coral reefs and the gentle swaying of palm trees created a picturesque backdrop for their day. They laughed, shared secrets, and simply enjoyed being in each other's presence.

Later in the evening, they dressed up for a romantic dinner at a beachfront restaurant. The soft glow of candlelight and the sound of waves crashing against the shore set the perfect ambiance. Charlie couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the love in Nick's eyes as they shared a meal, creating memories that would last a lifetime.

Returning to their Maldives house, Charlie curled up in bed with Nick, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him. Nick's arms provided a sense of security and warmth. Charlie knew that this trip was not just about the destination, but about the deepening of their connection and the affirmation of their love.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed it I really did and thanks again for reading all my books I love you all and have a great afternoon. xx :)
~Josh 855 Words

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