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Hey guys, part 42 is here thanks for 14.3K I really appreciate it and love you all so much also Charlie is trans gender in this story and let the pregnancy story began.

Charlie's POV:
I been sick for about a week and I think I'm pregnant but I'm scared to tell Nick because we're 23 and it's a big deal because it will be the first child we have.

Nick hasn't notice anything but I bought a pregnancy test and it came positive+ I don't know how far I am but I hear the front door opened and I hear Nick say "char Im back" Nick came back home he finished early he comes upstairs and I put the pregnancy test in my draw what Nick can't see.

He opens the door and says "hello babe how are you" I say "I'm good Nick you finished early" he laughs and says "yea I missed you and finished my work early so I got to go home" I nod and I start crying.

Nick pulls me into a hug and say "what's wrong char" I shake my head and say "I don't want you to be mad and leave me" I sob and Nick rubs my back and says "I will never leave you Charlie I won't be mad whatever it is" I smile and tell him "okay I'll tell you but close your eyes"

He nods and I put a blind fold on him I get the pregnancy test out and put it in his hand I say "okay open your eyes" he took of the blind fold and his mouth is fully out and says "your pregnant" I say "yes Nick we're going to be a dads" he runs out of the house and screams "I'm GOING TO BE A DAD" I laugh and drag him back to the house.

I say "I got a appointment tomorrow do you wanna go with me" he says "of course char I'll go with you I can't wait for this little bean" I laugh and say "bean" he says "yes our little bean" I laugh again and Nick starts to cook dinner I'm not hungry I've been worried if I throw up Because of the morning sickness.

But I would give it ago and can't wait for this little bean to be born and do everything I can Nick finish cooking dinner and it's pasta cause it's one of my safe food Nick sits next to me and put a hand on my leg and I take a breath and start to eat and swallow it I pick up another and eat it then I eat it all In 15 minutes probably because of this pregnancy I eat more what I don't mind.

Nick looks at me and says "I'm so proud of you char" I smile and go wash the dishes.

Nick's POV:
I can't believe it I'm married to my char and we're having a baby and it's a big step but I know me and Charlie get through this I always wanted children with char but we're the right age and I know with Charlie mental health issues but I love Charlie and I will help him through it.

But he eating what is good Charlie lays his head on my chest as he puts on a movie and we watch it and Charlie falls asleep I carry him upstairs and we both fall asleep.

I wake up it's 8:00 Am in the morning but I play with Charlie curls as he stirs he looks at me and says "what time is it" I say "it's 10:00 AM" he then shoot's up and says "Nick we got our appointment in a hour we aren't even ready" I say "Charlie calm down let's get dressed and I'll make breakfast okay" he smiles and nods as he gets ready I go downstairs and make pancakes Charlie comes downstairs and sits on the kitchen counter I bring his pancakes and I sit next to him and eat them with him he ate all of his.

I say "proud of you char" he smiles and we're off we made it 30 minutes and we get checked in then I hear someone say "CHARLIE NELSON" we go and Charlie sits on the bed then they put some weird gel on him and the doctor says "well Charlie you got a healthy baby and your about 13 weeks so that's good I'll get you appointment in 3 week time" he says "thank you doctor see you then" we go back to the car and go back home.

We have lunch and we got a McDonald's for dinner Charlie eats it all and we snuggle on our bed and make out and we both drift to sleep.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this first pregnancy part but will you guys want a new book when the baby is born so like Nick and Charlie on the future book 2 but up to you guys I hope you have a great weekend have a good day love you all.
~Josh 862 Words

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