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Hey guys part 25 sorry for not posting much just wanted to spend my own time in my half-term, but I'm back just wanted to say thanks for 3.47K I really appreciate it and I love you all and enjoy. :)

Nick's POV:
I woke up bright, and early I see the sun rising up and loving the view of our bedroom window it's looking so colourful and peaceful Charlie is on my chest his lovely black curls.

He doesn't wake up for another 10 minutes, and it's 6:50AM, Charlie always gets up at 7 AM no matter what he's just used to waking up that early.

Charlie is tossing and turning so that means he is about to wake up he opens his blue ocean eyes I say "good morning babe" he then says "good morning love" in his raspy voice because he has just woken up.

I love his raspy voice I don't know why I just do, and I know it sounds creepy, but I just love it.

Charlie's POV:
I woke up, and I see Nick say "good morning babe" I then say "good morning love" in my raspy voice I always knew that Nick liked my raspy voice in the morning.

We both get up I go into the bathroom first to get a shower and a brush my teeth I get out of the shower and tell Nick it's now his turn.

While Nick is in the shower I get changed and head downstairs where Henry is waiting to get fed for his breakfast I get the dog biscuit and put it in his bowl.

I make me a cup of coffee and make Nick a cup of tea I hear footsteps that mean Nick is coming into the kitchen he kisses my forehead.

He sits next to me, and he gives me a breakfast bar and we both eat it.

Nicks POV:
I go into the kitchen and get my cup of tea what Charlie made for me and go to sit next to him and give him a kiss on the forehead.

I go get a breakfast bar from the cupboard and give one to Charlie and we both started eating, and we finished it.

I went upstairs to get dress while Charlie washes the dishes I finished getting dressed then I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and make my way downstairs.

We were going to take Henry on the walk, so I get the lead on him, and we start going and exploring this place probably we walked down so many streets there were so pretty.

Charlie's POV:
We were on our walk and I saw a really cute restaurant and I say "do you want to go on a date" Nick says "of course char I'll text my mum saying if she can look after Henry" she says yes.

We get back to the house, I get on my suit because it's really fancy, and I make my way downstairs.

Nick then says "you look really hot" I blush, and I say "you do to Nick" and there was a knock on the door it was Sarah.

I say "thanks for looking after Henry while we go" she then says "it's no problem go have fun" we both smile and hug her and we headed out.

We arrived, and we sit, and we had a lovely time the food was delicious, and I could have wine, and it has been a while I could have done that.

We are now back at home, and we say bye to Sarah, and we headed upstairs to do something, and I have a shower and headed to bed.

Hey guys, I hoped you enjoyed it sorry for a short one but been busy, but thanks for reading my books love you all and have a good afternoon. xx :)
-Josh 650 Words

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