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Hey guys, part 44 is here and it's gender reveal time just wanted to say thanks for 15.8K I really appreciate it and love you all so much. Have a great Sunday.
TW:SH/ED/child abuse

Charlie's POV:
I woke up like a hour ago it's 8:30 AM and we are visiting Oliver today but there was a knock on the door and I opened it and it was Ollie standing there I say "Ollie what are you doing here" he says "sorry Charlie for just being here I just can't go home I just can't" he burst out into tears and pull him into a hug and say "Ollie what's been going on at home has mum done something to you" he says "yes mum been yelling at me all the time and she hit me and since dad not really in the house anymore so I was her next one to be yelled at all the time and I can't take it anymore"

I cannot believe my own mother would treat Ollie like that after what I've been through with mum and now Ollie I say "Ollie have you done anything to cope with it" he burst into tears again and says "yes I've been hurting myself" my eyes are welling to but I have to be brave for Ollie and say "Ollie can you roll up your sleeves" he nods and roll the up and I see 5 cuts on his wrists.

I say "when was the last time you self harmed" he says "yesterday" I say "oh Ollie come on let's get some plasters" he nods and we go into the bathroom and got some plasters and some wipes to clean them and then put the plasters on and after that we go into the kitchen and make me and Ollie a cup of tea and we finish it then Nick comes down.

Nick's POV:
I walk downstairs to see Ollie and Charlie together in the kitchen I say "good morning" I go over to Charlie he says "good morning" I say "we find out our gender today" he smiles and says "yea can't wait" I start to make breakfast and say to Ollie "hey Ollie how are you" he says "I'm good uncle Nick can't wait to see what gender Charlie's baby is" we sit down and eat and say "Ollie what brings you here" he says "I needed to get away with mum she's been yelling at me all week and hasn't stopped" I fell bad for Ollie I know Jane can be a monster at times but really Ollie now to I mean give me strength.

I say "oh I'm sorry Ollie your allowed here at all cost" he says "thanks uncle Nick" there was a knock on the door and it was my mum with the gender reveal balloon and I'm starting baking muffins and cakes and some real food for Charlie to eat for safe foods for him.

It was 4:00PM we waited and there was a knock on the door and it was the Paris squad and Tori and we chatted a few and then me Tori Charlie and Ollie came for a chat because Tori doesn't know that Ollie is here Tori says "Ollie when did you get here has mum done something to you" he says "yes physically she hit me but she's been yelling at me all week and I couldn't handle it anymore and then I self harmed" wait what Charlie didn't tell me that he self harm but Ollie trust Charlie because he knows about Charlie mental health problems Tori says "where are you staying now" he says "I don't know" I say "Ollie you can stay here and if she calls the police we can report her for child abuse so it will make it better"

He says "yes thanks uncle Nick I would love to stay with you and Charlie and the baby" we all smile and Ollie already has all of his stuff here and we bought a 3 bedroom house and one is for us one for the nursery and one spare but not anymore Ollie in it.

It was getting late and Charlie's tired so we are going to pop the balloon we count down 5...4...3...2...1 we popped it and it shows up blue we're having a baby boy me and jump excited and hug each other Charlie says "we have a baby boy in their" I say "yes we do char" we kiss and we say bye to the guests and Ollie asleep so I carry him upstairs into his room and me and Charlie go into our room and talk about the baby and we both fall asleep.

Hey guys, hope you like this part and with Oliver but I'm going to let you guys pick the baby boys name but have a great Sunday love you all so much. xx :)
~Josh 833 words

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