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Michael's pov:
I woke up to my phone ringing, I answered it and tiredly said hello.
Phone call:
"Hello?" I said again
"I'm coming late." Noah muttered
"Oh, how come?" I ask
"Busy" he sighed
"Are you alright? Do you want me to come to you?"
"No, I'll be fine."
"Bad day?"
"It's okay, you finish up okay? I'll wait for you to come home."
"Good boy, i love you."
"I love you too."
So Noah's in a mood. I got up and fixed my hair before heading down to the kitchen to see the kids trying to sneak and grab something from the cupboards.
"Down." I say
"Aw man!" Miles whines
"Listen Miles and Madeline, daddy is in a bad mood, don't tell him to get you anything or he'll get mad, okay? If you want something tell me or the maids."
"Okay!" They both say
"Good, now what do you want to eat?"
"Pizza!" Miles says
"No I want pasta!" Madeline yells
"I can make pizza and pasta okay?"

The maid helped me out by making the kid's meals while I cooked Noah's, Noah only likes his food made by me or he won't touch it, apparently he can tell the difference. Since he's in a bad mood it's best that I just do what he desires before he starts stressing more than he already is. The door slams open.
"Look after the pot for me will you?" I say before leaving
Did I mention Noah gets angry over stupid things?
"Hi my love, here give me your stuff." I smile sweetly
He's only ever nice to me when he's mad, he's mad but he tries not to let it out on me, if it was the kids though he'd just end up shouting. He handed me his bag which I put down on the drawer and hung his blazer up, he grabbed me hugging me and picking me up.
"Are you hungry my love?" I ask
"Hmm." He kisses my neck
"Your food's almost ready, I made your favorite, come on let's get you sat down on the sofa." I kiss his forehead as he let's me down

"Papa!" Miles yells shaking my leg
"What's wrong?" I say turning the stove off and placing the lid on the pot as I set the spoon down
"Daddy is shouting at Maddy!"
Oh god what did I just say.
"Okay, come on let's go to them." I pick him up and start walking
He's shouting loud enough the glass would break. He's clenched his fists meaning he's about to hit, so I drop Miles down as he rushes over to Maddy and walk to Noah setting him down on the sofa.
"Noah, listen to me, breathe." I whisper
He grabs me and sits me on his lap, holding me tightly. I stroke his hair slowly and told Miles to take Maddy to their room.
"Good boy, are you calm now?" I whisper
"Mm." He mutters
"Come on, you need to eat before you fall asleep."

He sits down quietly eating his food, I sit with him, drinking red wine and eating some as well, rubbing his hair slowly. He's still tensed up but he isn't in his era where he's gonna murder someone alive. He finishes his food and pushes the plate away, the maid takes it and takes mine too.
"Your bath is ready." The maid nods
"Wanna drink while you bathe?" I ask
He nods and leaves, I go to the kitchen and take two bottles of wine and our cups walking to the bathroom.

I lay on his chest sipping my wine, he's a lot calmer now, probably because he's staring at me butt naked.
"Madeline is mad at you." I whisper
"I'll buy her that hello kitty thing and she'll shut up." He groans pouring whiskey which I don't know where he got that from
"Miles will remind her" I say
"I'll buy him that ps5 game."
"You can't keep bribing them though." I kiss his nose
"Your eighteen and I can still bribe you with makeup."
"I'm special that's why."
"Exactly, I know though. I'll apologize or some shit."
"Write it on a letter I don't like hearing manners."
"Okay little mouse." He chuckles

He was a bit tipsy but he was calmer though. I allowed him to drink in bed while I clean up the bedroom. He talked while I cleaned, he did offer to help a few times but I told him he needed to lay in bed and just shut up.
"Be quiet."
"I want cuddles."
"Can you not see I'm cleaning you stupid daft cunt."
"That's me."

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