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Noah's pov:
What were gonna do going to piss Michael off even more?


Am I doing it anyways?

One hundred percent.

He's obviously not gonna get away with just running away with no notes or anything. And the bratty attitude over text, I'm not letting that slide.

Now people would think that I'd hit him probably for saying "don't test me" but don't test me just means I'm grounding you off money and his phone. Just like normal parents, but I'd normally give in easily after a few hours.

He came home at twelve, just as I said.

"Give me your phone."



If he uses his brain, he's got two other phones, he can just use those. I never said I were taking those away.

I'm a good husband.

He rolls his eyes and hands me my phone before laying on the bed. I join him and pull him close.

"Stop being annoyed, it's unhealthy." I kiss his forehead

"I forgot my shit.." He yawned

"I'll call Maisie to bring it over, you need some sleep." I sit up

"No. I don't need fucking sleep." He stretches

"Yes you do."


After a bit more complaining. We'd agreed on watching a movie, aka he's gonna fall asleep half way.

Movie date. Whole family including idiotic spouses.

That was from Asher. The only single cousin. Kinda weird to be honest.

"We're going to the movie room." I stand up

"Yeah, no."

"Little mouse, come on." I pick him up
He whined but I walked down to first floor, he was already asleep by the time I sat down.

Michael slept through the entire movie, waking up at the very end of the movie, he was a lot more calmer, he was kinda off acting like it didn't even happen. Which was alright, I hated when he acted like a brat, he'd get all stubborn. I already told Dante to tell William to not remind Michael about it, before he becomes careless about everything. I think he was only really moody just because he was tired.

Eventually, there was a meeting made based on Michael's behavior and I told everyone to just let it slide and not to remind him about it, since he's only just got calm about it. Michael left to do something until I got a video sent by Maisie.

Ur hubby wubby had a mad scrap w someone xx

We're at the park bye, they're still fighting.

That's great advice to be honest. I watched the video as I walked to the park, it was only ten minutes away.

When Michael fights, it's like the end of the world. He fights so crazily and aggressively there's no way anyone could ever win against him. He won't quit till the person bleeds, faints or even dies. The fight ended the moment I got the spot which was near the sand area, where small kids are. Maisie was holding Michael, he seemed calm and careless, I looked over at the guy he were fighting with, they were pissed off with bruises and their head bleeding.
That's Mark.

And that's how I know Michael isn't getting in trouble for this.

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