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Michael's pov:
It was way colder than usual. I was shivering under the covers, how was I gonna fall asleep when it's this fucking cold. Noah on the other hand was sleeping, not facing me having the time of his life. I've been tossing and turning for God knows how fucking long.
"Oh my fucking god." Noah groaned turning around and grabbing me into his arms
"Quit moving you make the entire bed shake." He sighs rubbing his eyes
"I'm not fat." I pout
"Your ass is though, most your weight goes there than anywhere else." He kissed my cheek
"Is that meant a be a compliment?" I asked
"Do you take it as a compliment?" He asked
"I guess-"
"Then shut up." He nuzzled his neck
"Noahh, I can't sleep booooo." I whined
"What do you want me to do about it?" He groaned
"Is the heating on?"
"I'm not sure."
"Can you please check?"
"Please Noahhhh I'm legit freezing to death, you don't want me to die do youu?" I pout
"We're already dead sweetheart." He chuckles getting out the bed and turning the heating on.
"For someone that grew up in this room, your very lucky. Your room is basically a fucking one floor house."
"I mean if your rich rich, what are you meant to do?" I giggled
"Give it to me." He teased
"You have your money." I sat up
"So I can't have yours either?" He pouts sitting back onto the bed
"Nope, mine."
"Wowww" he dramatically gasped
"Your rich enough." I roll ontop of him giggling
"So you can use my money but I can't use yours?"
"Nope." I teased
"I'm only joking mouse, use up all my money, your money is our emergency money, never use it unless you've ran out of mine." He kissed the top of my head
I smiled looking out the window, I gasped and jumped off him running to the window.
"What is it love?" He chuckled standing up and walking to me as he fixed his hair
"It's snowing!!" I squealed
It never snowed much in England as much as it used too, seeing in Italy was definitely something new.
"We can outside later my love, it's late." He picks me up shutting the curtains so I wouldn't get distracted
"Aww." I pouted
"Darling, you need sleep, you've been bouncing around the bed ever since ten." He lays back down still holding me tightly
Probably so I couldn't move about as much.
"I'm not tired." I yawned
"Really? What was the yawn for then?"
Before I could respond I yawned again. I hid my face under his shirt and shut my eyes.
"Goodnight little mouse." He kissed my hair
"Night night boo." I peaked my head out his head hole thing wrapping my arms around his neck. (WHAT TF IS IT ACTUALLY CALLED? YK THE PART WHERE U PUT UR HEAD THROUGH UR SHIRT OR LIKE ANY CLOTHING ITEM THAT GOES ON UR BODY IGGG? WHAT'S IT CALLED...)

I woke up tiredly finding Noah nowhere to be seen.
"Oh, look at the mouse, he's awake after sleeping like the dead." He chuckled and picked me up
"How long was I asleep for?" I stretched slightly yawning
"Seven hours." He kissed my collar bone
"Can we go out into the snow?"
"Not now baby, we will soon."

Obviously as mafias, we can't just regularly go out, we could get kidnapped, arrested all sorts. So it had to scheduled around so bodyguards can protect us. Even if it was just our back garden, it's better safe than sorry. Getting kidnapped is a dread, you don't get saved straight away, everyone's busy with things so your not noticed till it's a family gathering, take dinner as an example. When everyone's gathered and someone's missing, that's when they'll know you're gone. Sometimes for example Noah, if he notices I'm gone or someone else it'll be sorted quicker but yeah. Arrested is a whole new level. We can't bail out easily and most of time we have to serve jail time before leaving. Escaping is our other option but we'd be monitored because of our crimes. Police know all our tricks in the book but still seem to fail.

I've never eaten breakfast that fucking fast but I really wanted to play in the snow. Snow wasn't frequent so I'll be enjoying every second, it did snow in England this year but only lasted I think four days (two three or four days idek...) Before it all melted away from the rain.

After going through safety precautions we could go out. A Snowball got launched at me.
"Dante! Watch what I do to you fat skank!" I take the head of the Snowball and launch it right at him
"Great, now we need a new head." Noah sighed
"I'm not sorry." I flipped him off
"So rude to your husband." He kisses my nose
"You love me." I giggle
"Do I?"
"I'm joking, my mouse, I love you." He chuckles

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