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Noah's pov:
"Daddy!" Was all I could fucking hear.
Now, I was imagining Michael calling me that so, I didn't budge. I stayed faking I was asleep knowing Michael was not with me in bed.
They're never gonna shut up so reluctantly I pretended to wake up.
"Come on daddy! It's time to open presents!!!" Vivi squealed
I checked the time, fucking five am.
"Vivi, baby, it's five in the morning. We've still got another three hours. Go back to bed." I stretched and sat up
"But papa got to leave!" Vivi whined
"Where's your brother?" I asked
"Asleep, cause he's got no Christmas spirit."
Great Lord it's like looking after another Michael.
"Or maybe he's being a good boy." I fixed my hair
"Where did papa go?" She asks
"How would I know." I mumbled
I knew. He's either gone out because he's an idiot or he had to get up for something that's family business. Either way I'll find out when I see him again
"Vivi, lay down and go to sleep." I layed down holding her tightly so her midget ass doesn't slip and fall off the bed them I'd get a beating from Michael. Not what I want on Christmas.

And then I got woken up again. This time at eight so I allowed it.
"Go brush your teeth and get changed." I groaned yawning

Michael wasn't here but it looked like everyone knew why, except from me and the kids. I watched the kids and everyone open their presents.
"Noah, wear the blindfold." Heaven giggles.
"Why?" I raised an eyebrow
"It's part of Michael's gift to you il asino (jackass)" she frowns
"Shut it tu nombre es jodidamente cielo, no estaría hablando (your name is fucking heaven, I wouldn't be talking)"
"HAH you deserved that idiota!" Francis laughed giving me fist bump
"Can you just put the blindfold on?" True sighed
"stai zitto (shut up) True. We're praising Noah for being one of us." Dante buts in punching True in the arm
These lot acted like such mature people in public but acted like a bunch of ten year olds.
"This is why Michael hates you." True punched Dante back
"stai zitto" Honey shouts at the both of them
"Mi dispiace amore mio. (I'm sorry my love)" Dante hugs Honey
"figa! (Pussy)" True laughs
I rolled my eyes and took the blindfold from Heaven tying it around my head.

Eventually I felt hands smaller than mine touch my palms.
"Are you gifting me a baby or something." I mutter
"Stai zitto!!" Heaven yells
"calmati, nuvola (calm down cloud)" Francis teases
The hands felt oddly familiar.
"If your gifting me my own husband your actually mental."
"Aw he found out." Heaven whines
I yank the blindfold off and pick Michael up sitting him on my lap.
"Is he asleep or something?" I raise an eyebrow
"Yeah-" True says before getting slapped
"He's not supposed to know that!" Heaven hisses
"idiotas" I roll my eyes and kiss Michael's head

While the rest of them opened their presents I slowly pulled the ribbons off Michael. Makes sense why they took him while he was asleep, he wouldn't have agreed to be decorated in glitter and ribbons and ran off.

"levantate bebe (get up baby)" I whispered messing with his eye
"Mmm... Noo.." He whined burying his head into my shoulder
"Little mouse, sweetheart come on, you've slept long enough." I stroked his cheek
His eyes fluttered open and looked at me, his beautiful blue eyes glowed with the sunlight. He sleeply whined and stretched before wrapping his arms around my neck. All of Michael's presents were in our room, I wanted him to open them separately only because I knew he wouldn't wake up. Same goes with William, he was asleep as well, laying his head on Lily's shoulder.
Like father like son.

Michael helped out making Christmas dinner while I helped out with doing secret Santa. Michael sat next to me after the bit, I kissed his cheek.
"Michael, great timing. It's your turn." Valentino smiled
Unfortunately I didn't get Michael as mine, I had to give Dante a present. And for fucks sake that was the most difficult shit EVER. Michael unwrapped his present to get a silver Pandora bracelet.
"thank youuu!!!" He squealed telling me to put it on his wrist
Next it was Dante. Fuck if he hates it I'm gonna jump off a cliff. Dante is a picky guy. We got along slightly, he disliked me because I'm married to Michael and have kids with him. He didn't like dislike dislike me, he just wasn't a big fan because he's overprotective over Michael. Oldest cousin always protects the youngest cousin, I always felt his eyes on me when I was with Michael. Just like right now. He was death staring me while opening his gift. I was shit scared which is why I don't tease Michael incase he launches me into a different dimension.

Surprisingly, he liked his gift. Probably because it was a knife. What else are you supposed to get a mafia? I was so happy Honey was around or he would've stabbed me with that knife. He had a soft spot for Honey and Honey only. Even with his kids he'd act slightly cold.

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