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Michael's pov:
We were going to Rome for the meet and greet party. So I had to fucking pack. Noah wasn't home, he was working next door on his gang, since he decided to work while being here. A bit stupid I know but last time he didn't choose the option to work in Italy and he had to overwork for a good three weeks before being on track again.

If we're staying there for three days, I need three pajamas. No six cause Noah likes "alone time" then three day time outfits for just lounging around and then actual party clothes. I'll also need like funeral clothes cause were going to the cemetery to see grandma and grandpa. I also need to do the same for Noah's but I don't know what he'd wear to the party, so I'll let him decide.

Two hours later I finished, I had to make sure it was neat, Noah's got ocd and if nothing is perfect, I'll never hear the end of it. The door slammed shut, I turned my head to see Noah.

Door slamming, he's pissed. He pulled his tie off, yanked his blazer and shirt off.

"Do me a favor and get me shorts." He orders

I sighed and threw him his basketball shorts. I stood up and gently pushed the suitcases to the side before sitting on the bed.

He joined me and cuddled me tightly.

"What's wrong amore?" I asked stroking his hair

"Nothing." He groans pulling the blanket over us.

"Tell me now." I demanded as he squeezed me tighter

His phone rang and he groaned.

"I'll answer." I sat up as he cuddled me tighter, I took his phone and answered it.

"Hello?" I raised an eyebrow

"Is Noah there?" A female voice came

"No, this is his husband."

"Is he around?"

Snoopy bastard

"No. What is it, I'll pass it on." I tried to make my tone calm and friendly

"There's some work he missed out on, he stormed out the office an hour ago."

He came right now, so he were doing something dumb for an hour before coming home. It's probably not that bad, I trust him.

"And who are you to him?" I ask politely

"His colleague, not that you should really be concerned about." Alright bitch now you got me.

"Course I should know, I'm his husband and I need to make sure your not waffling." I rolled my eyes

"He needs to come back."

"Are you his boss?"

"No, bu-"

"Then it's none of your bloody business, worry about yourself, might help you sometimes. Have a horrible day." And I ended the call

We layed in bed for a while in silence before my phone vibrated.

"No man." He hugged me tighter

"Baby." I grabbed my phone

He whined and his his face under the pillow

Can me and Heaven come to ur room, we're rlly emo cuz our manz r too fucking busyyy

"Heaven and True asked if they could come here, cause Flynn and Evan are busy." I explained

"I wanna be alone with you though." He whined

"I can say no if you want darling." I kissed his forehead

He nodded.

Noah's in a bad mood, I wouldn't want him to be more pissed, sorry boo x

Ask Amaya x

This is y ur the youngest, ur the most annoying kid

And that's y ur not my favorite cousin


yh my fav is Dante

But y'all r always scrapping


I hate u

Love ya too x

Vivienne and Saint were already asleep with Marigold, Delilah and August. The rest were all on the verge of falling asleep around Dante and Francis. Noah was still a bit grumpy on the drive to Rome but stayed quiet as I sat on his lap.

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