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Talk of rape
Drug talk
Michael's pov:
Noah was still off. He was hiding something. We were now in Rome, in a hotel room and he'd just woken up and cuddled me, not talking, not even a small movement to say something. I could feel the tension though. What was he hiding? Did it have something to do with me?

After a bit he just left me to take a shower, still he hadn't said a word. Normally he'd ask me to shower with him, I found it weird that he didn't ask. Today was the meet and greet so I got changed into just a tracksuit. The party was at five, we had to leave for another drive half an hour before and it takes everyone half an hour just to get into the van. So I need to be ready by four pm.

Still, Noah hadn't said a word, I was feeling uneasy, I hadn't heard his voice all day, was he mad at me? He wouldn't stay mad at me for this long though, he softens easily. If he was mad at me he wouldn't be holding me on his lap.

But what was he hiding?

I felt like everyone didn't question his actions either, normally someone would ask if something was wrong, but no one had. It felt like they all knew his actions, why though? What happened?

Since no one was questioning Noah's weird behavior by half past two I went to get ready for the party. This same feeling happened with me and Mark. When I found he cheated, I hooked up with Noah, this is the silence treatment I got. But why was Noah doing it? This uncomfortable silence reminded me of when I see Noah's dad. I hate him. I hate how I can still remember where he put his hands.

How I stupidly followed him just for drugs.

I was such an idiot. I should've just gotten the paper for my geography teacher and pretended to see the message after school. It would've still happened though. I blasted my music so the only thing I was thinking about was the lyrics. Noah wasn't home, he went out with Francis and Dante to smoke. It was the way he said yes so quickly though. Was he trying to avoid me?

What have I done?

He came back at half past three, I didn't say anything because he didn't say anything to me. No kiss, no hug.
Don't cry your makeup took too long.

I walked into the van, immediately getting dragged onto Noah's lap. Still no words came out his mouth, but he rubbed my cheek slowly. He was wearing a black suit with a red tie because it's my favorite colour.

"Why aren't you talking to me?" I asked

He ignored me but pulled me closer, I gritted my teeth and messed with his tie.

I got distracted with greeting people from around the world, it took me an hour just to get freedom so I could confront Noah. I pulled him into the toilets.

"Why are you not speaking to me." I ask more strictly

Still no response, he bites his lip.

"Answer me Noah! What did I do?" I walked closer to him

Still no reply. I swear to God.

"Noah." I palm my necklace

He didn't respond, so I pulled my switchblade out and pinned it to his neck, pinning him to wall.

"Speak." I glared at him

"Your hiding something from me dunno why your acting dramatic" he rolls his eyes

What. A. Bitch.

"I ain't hiding anything from you."

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow

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