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Noah's pov:
"Little mousee~" I whispered waking him up
"Mm-.." He muttered
"Wake up my mouse." I kiss the side of his head
He turned around and snuggled onto me, waking up slowly, I hold him kissing his forehead.
He's so lazy in the mornings, he'll wake up for a few seconds and then fall back asleep.
"Mouse~" I kissed his nose
"No...." He whined
"I'll let you sleep while I get ready, okay?" I chuckled
"Hm..." He nuzzled my neck
I rubbed his back and set him down, pulling the duvet over to his shoulder because it was cold, that's what it was like in England. It's always cold. But, I'd rather it be cold than it be a heatwave. I kissed his forehead and got out of bed, walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I washed my face when I felt my arm being tugged.
"Good morning my little mouse." I chuckled drying my face before pulling him close
"Morning..." He buried his head in my chest
"Come on, you need to brush your teeth." I whispered

I changed and set his clothes out while he brushed his teeth, he came out and hugged me again.
"Your so clingy in the mornings." I laugh
"Your worse shut the fuck up." He mumbled
"Want me to help you put your clothes on?" I asked
He nodded, I picked him up and say him down on the table we use for reasons.
"Did you wash the toys?" He asked while I put his socks on
"Yeah, when you knocked out last night I washed them since I weren't tired."
"We need to put the safe somewhere else." He says
"Why?" I ask gesturing for him to put his arms up and he does
"Because Madeline fucking saw it and almost opened it. Miles snitched so she's definitely in a mood. She could've used those." He explains
"She has your attitude." I chuckled
"Yet she hates me." He sighs
"She'll grow out of it, we just need to stop her from watching so much youtube, that's showing her the wrong things and it's ruining her mental health."
"So shorten her screen time? I'll have to do it to Miles as well or she'll start blabbering."
"Don't shorten it, we'll just hide the electronics till we wake up, that way they just play with their toys so the toys aren't being a waste, they'll have less screen time since they also have school and then after school they can use it till dinner and then it's their bedtime." I say
He moves to his desk and starts doing his skincare, using some on my face as well as I sit next to him.
"What about the weekends?" He asks
"We wake up early still so same applies but we'll get them to do other things as well." I smile
"Okay" he smiles putting cream on my face and giggling

"Daddy!" Maddy yells
"What's wrong princess?" I kneel down
"I want to go shopping!" She shouts
Yep, definitely like Michael. I stand up and pick her up sitting her down on the counter, doing the same for Miles so he doesn't feel left out.
"Do you Miles?" I ask
"Will I get toys?" He asks
"Of course." I smile
I turn to Michael, kissing his neck
"You already know my answer."
"Course I do."

We arrived at Broadway and Madeline wanted to go to Claire's. Michael found a pair of pretty earrings, buying me some as well, Miles found a stuffed animal and Madeline bought a load of things such as, lip gloss, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, headbands, scrunchies, bows, hair clips and yeah. Fifty quid just wasted there.
"Daddy?" Miles whispers
"Yes buddy?" I smile kneeling down
"I need new stationary. Madeline stole mine!"
"Okay, will go and buy some." I kiss his forehead
"Little mouse, you got everything?" I ask
"Yeah! Where we gonna go now?"
"wh smiths." I smile seeing Miles giggle as he holds my hand
"Okay" he kisses my cheek

Miles chooses what stationery he needs, Michael is none stop hugging me as he watches Miles carefully, telling him if he's grabbing something he probably won't need. We pay for Miles stuff and then leave, it's Michael's choice now so he chooses Boots. Of course.

We finish and Madeline and Miles both want Taco Bell so we go there to eat at the food court. I don't really like Taco Bell so I just share with Michael who doesn't really mind since he hates eating a lot. He feeds me giggling eachtime.
"Your so cute." I chuckle
We finish and do a little shopping. Michael wants bubble tea and the kids want a brownies and cake so I do both. We only ever do really expensive shopping like this once a month so money is still saved in case it comes in handy. I've been saving up on extra stuff aka Italy trip but this time with the kids. I have a plan of getting a private jet but im not sure about it. I mean Michael has his own but it's shared between his family, it's at Italy right now.
"Are you happy now?" I ask Michael
He nods happily, offering me his drink so I take a slight sip.

The kids fell asleep on the way back home, Michael's hyper. I put the kids to bed ignoring the fact Michael's blasting music in our bedroom and walk to my office to do some work at home.

I finish up and the music ended and hour ago, he's probably making dinner. I turn my laptop off and walk to the kitchen, yep he's cooking, I walk towards him and hug him around his waist kissing his neck.
"What you making mouse?" I ask
"I found this weird pasta recipe and I think I fucked up."
"That's lovely."
Can't wait to have burnt food tonight.

Okay so he didn't actually burn the food, it actually tasted pretty good. I tucked the kids into bed. I showered with Michael as he made a mess and then knocked out making me have to clean his mess. I was busy cleaning when I heard wailing, I put the mop back in its place and walked out to see Michael crying.
"What's wrong mouse? Nightmare?" I ask hugging him
He nods leaning his head on my chest
"Sshh, it's okay now my mouse, your safe." I rub his back

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