chapter 2: Home sweet not home

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I was awakened by arguing and loud noises. I didn't think much of it and tried going back to sleep, but something was different, something was off. The warm heat from my blankets was gone and the fluffy fur and the wire whiskers that occasionally make scratches on my chin were gone. I slightly opened my eyes to find the arguing was from an adult I didn't know. Four men, one who was tall and bulky, scared me the most, a woman crying and another bagging a metal door."Dumb ass, what the fuck is banging on the door gonna do?"

I look over my shoulder to find a brown haired woman still sleeping. Damn I wish I was still asleep. My head still hurts. I decided that sleeping would hurt. I mean the adults seem distracted, maybe I can go unnoticed. I wake from a sudden touch on my shoulder. I turn to look but my vision is foggy. Whoever it was they noticed I jumped, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to make sure you're ok." a boy's voice spoke. "Im ok, I'm really confused, I don't know where I am." "I don't know either I just woke up too, I'm Daniel." "I'm y/n." Daniel helped me up off the ground and I could finally take in his looks. A brown haired boy who didn't look any older than me.

"How old are you Daniel?" " Im 17, what about you?" "Im 17 too." I jump as the once sleeping girl gasps and starts frantically looking for something not long after finding a tape recorder. 

"Greetings and welcome.

I that you are all

wondering you are.

I can you that,

while your is not important...

what for you

is important...

salvation, if you earn it.

Three from now,

the door to this will open.


you only have two to live.

Right now you are in

a agent.

You've been it

since you here.

Those of you familiar

with the attacks...

will know its devastating

effects on the body.

The only way to it

and walk out that door...

is to find an antidote.

Several are hidden

around this house.

One is the safe

in of you.

You all possess

the to the safe.

Think hard.

The are in

the back of your mind.

The of order

can be over the rainbow.

Once you realize

what you all have in common...

you will be in a understanding

of why you're here.

"X" the spot for that clue,

so look carefully.

Let the game begin."

One of the men pushes the women against the wall, demanding for answers, the poor woman all she could do is cry. "Its a game, hes testing us." another woman says " what game? Whos testing us?" the man walked closer to her. "Jigsaw." I could feel daniel's breathing become heavier. not realizing that I was holding onto his arm the entire time, "Hes testing us he wants us to this. But you have to play by the fucking rules!" " How do you know all this?" "Because I played before."

"What the fuck kinda game is this shit?" I yell, everyone stayed silent trying to find the way out a man grabbed a key out of a women's hand "wait the tape said not to use that key for that-" the man shot back, "shut the fuck up." she stood quietly as he begin searching the door, he flung back with a gun shot blood splattered onto my cheek as I bared my face into Daniels arm. I fell to the ground in shook, as he through a jacket over the dead mans body. to give the body some rest and give our stomachs  some rest as well. " I found a door!" we all flooded to the door I stayed behind, Daniel noticed I wasn't by his side and walked to  me.

"Hey, everything's going to be alright ok? come with me I'll keep you safe." I stood once more. "Thank you for helping me I hope I don't seem like a bother." "no no it's fine, I need someone around right now." we smile and walk into the next room.

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