meet the parent part 2

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I grabbed the small turkey that was thawing in the sink and put it in the oven.

       "Well what do we do till then?"

      "Well, I guess we could have time to get all of dad's old stuff out of his room and start getting out stuff in there."we walked up to the room and started taking down the picture frames. Putting them in boxes.

      "So what did Eric have to say when you invited him to dinner?"

"What the hell did you do this time Daniel?" He said making a  impression of his dad.

"And you said?"

" nothing, there's just someone I want him to meet." He took a long pause and sighed, " I really hope this goes well."

I turn to look at him, "of course it will."

He smiled."so this desk, we can put this-"

"In the trash?"

"Yep trash it is I wasn't going to say anything thing else you read my mind." He babbled on. "Hey hon ."


"How do you suppose we get this down the steps?"

"I'll be right there."I walk over and grab an end and walk backwards."Should we invite your mom over another night?"

"We can, but I doubt she will go because of her boyfriend and all she talks about is the divorce. What about yours?"

"I can try but she's probably busy with the cops plus-" I sat the table down and wiped my hand on my pants. "You already met my father." We go back upstairs and pull the bed apart and give him the mattress to take down stares.

"Tally ho!" three large thuds and the sound of broken glass. "Oh! That sounded expensive, good thing it wasn't ours."

We started building our bed from IKEA, he went to drill in a nail but nothing. He examined it and then both the drill and Daniel let out a scream. An hour goes by.

"Done!" I stand next to him and he holds me tightly, proudly standing and examines his new...creation. The legs were different shapes, we extraged looks, "alright fine, I'll fix it."

Another hour goes by and we finally put the new mattress down. "Ahh see! Am I the handyman or what."

"Yeah, you're a handyman."

"No no, hon not 'a' handyman. 'The' handyman."

He picked me up bridal style and dropped me on the bed. The wood fell underneath me. But the mattress kept me safe.

"Sorry." he picked me up.

"It's alright, we can do it later." a sharp pain flowed through my abdomen.

"You ok?"

"Yeah yeah im fine just some girls stuff."

"Do you need me to get you anything?"

"Umm, I don't think dad has anything like that here. So yes if you don't mind."

"Alright I'll be back." you walked down the steps and started on the side dishes, when 15 min later the phone rang.


"Hon there are Thousands of these things"

"Just get the regular size."

"These things have different sizes?"

"Yes hon-"

"Is it bigger than m-"

"Daniel! No it's not. Please don't draw attention to yourself."

"ok , got'em I'll see you soon I love you."

"Love you too."

He gets home, and a few hours later the door rings, "I'll get it." and I was faced with a red faced Eric.

"Is this-"

"Yes of course it is, come on in." He comes in and takes off his shoes and follows me to the kitchen. "Hi son." Daniel has a blank expression on his face.

"Hi Dad." We sat and chatted for a while.

"So Daniel, who is this young woman?"

"Well dad that's what I wanted to talk to you about, Dad this is Y/N. My girlfriend."He gave me and him a look, "here we go."

"Lovely to meet you."

"You as well. Well I think I should be going-"

"But dad-"

"I know, I just have some stuff I have to do, son, will you come into the living room with me? There's something I have to talk to you about."

"What's up dad, don't you like her?"

"I do like her son, but listen. You're so young I mean this could affect your entire life."


"I know she's beautiful but son they dont always stay like that. They will end up hurting you. I don't want that, you don't want that-"

"What are you saying Dad?"

"What I'm trying to say son is that, do what you want with her. Then leave before she does."

"I'm sorry, but that's bold of you to say considering that you were the one who left mom."

"Don't you make this about me Daniel."

"Dad, I think you should leave."

"FIne, and y/n. Thank you for the dinner." He shut the door behind him.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that."

"Oh Danny, it's ok. At Least we tried." I gave him a hug.

"You know I'm not leaving you right?"

"I know, baby."

"Let's go to bed hon.''We walk up stairs, he grabs my waist, "you know, seeing you in that outfit is hot. But I wanna take it off.'' He throws me down and rips it off, and takes his clothes off too.

"MM Daddy."

"What's wrong baby,"

"I want you."


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