Let the body hit the floor

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" Daniel?" he let out a low hum, " thank you again for believing me although I get it if you're mad just like the others." he lifted my face i never realized how cute he was our faces were inches apart it would take but zero effort to plant a kiss onto his lips. "Just because your dad hurts people doesn't mean you have to get the blame for it. You are not responsible for what he does." He gave me a smile bringing me into a tight hug rubbing my back. "Fuck now im obsessed with him."

"BULLSHIT!!GET US THE FUCK OUTTA HERE MAN. OR I'LL KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND." I couldn't understand what was happening at first. Daniel put his hand in front of me and said, "Get behind me." The quiet man crawled his way through the oven,

"What's going on?''

" I don't know, but it doesn't look good so stay behind me I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

I watched as the man grabbed more needles than told to, thinking that once he got out everyone would swear to me to get the needles so he would have a greater chance of living. The door shut and glowing orange light began to rise from the bottom, "Hey, agh fuck- hey get me out of here." the men rush to help him,"I cant get it open." " get him out of there." Amanda whined.

"Shut the fuck up." I hear a wet cough with a gasp. I turned to find laura who turned her arm to show me the blood. " I just want to go home." The screaming was too much for me. I got onto Daniel's shirt tighter, who was tearing up trying not to look, the screams began to grow quiet. One of them finally got the door open revealing a dead Obi behind it.

Amanda grabbed Daniel's arm, " come with me kids." "I know her, i know her from somewhere I can't remember, ugh think y/n, think." I sit on the stares bearing my head in between my knees. "Hey." Daniel said he motioned to sit down next to me and I nodded. "So, y/n's your name huh? You don't mind if I call you (nickname) do you?" he asked, putting his arm around me. I smirked, "no, as long as I get to call you Danny." He laughed, "God, he's adorable." "Look, I know what it's like having a risky relationship with your father, mine... well he's a real hard ass. The point is I'm not going to let you get hurt, ever.'' Once again our faces were inches away.  " you know I/I really like you, when we get out of here. Will you go on a date with me?" His face turned red "now who's the one blushing?" I lifted his head, " of course I will." He smiled and scooted me closer to him. 


A/n ok but like should I do  some smut in this too? because this man is so fucking fine.. 

oh yes, there will be blood [Daniel Matthews x reader]Where stories live. Discover now