whats wrong with her??

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You called Daniel, "Hey hon how's work so far?"

" Everything is going well, how is it at home?"

" Well its going... Leo Duley Is dead. The police want me to go back to dad's house to see if he left any evidence for a potential helper."

" w- what? Why didn't you call me? Your not going in that house alone y/n. Go home and wait for me and we can go together."

" Daniel I'll be fi-"

" No y/n you won't, just please go home and wait for me please baby."

" okay okay I'll get a taxi home."

" thank you love. I'll see you soon I love you."

" I love you too Daniel."

You get a taxi home, the ride was quite. But you got home safely the meeting with Hoffmans played a loop in your head. You said thank you to the  driver and walked to your door as you hear the stabbing sound.

Y/n's pov

I look to the direction of the noise it's Sandra in her doom garden. A garden colors of brown and tan. I watched as she watered her dead plants. I hate seeing her like this. I walk closer to her.

" good morning Sandra."

" Oh good morning dear, how are you?"

" im good and you?"

" Oh just fine dear." The fire alarm goes off in her house. Her face was emotionless like she didn't know what the sound ment and why it was there in the first place.

I gave a concerned look at her non-existent one and whipped the screen door open. I was met with the bright orange flames covering the stove.

"Where's your fire extinguisher?" I screamed. All Sandra did was look at me with the same expression. I scavenged the kitchen holding my shirt over my nose. I spotted it under the kitchen counter, the room exploded in a white cloud. I opened the windows and grabbed an oven mitt and took the beating red tea kettle off the burner.

"Well I'll be goddamned, I forgot my tea on my counter." I gave her a look that said what the fuck. I cleared my throat.

'What the fuck do I do?'

"Sandra, do you have any close family members? Maybe a child or a grandchild."

The old lady had to actually sit and think! Like she didn't know if she did have any more family left. I sighed and brought her outside, sitting on the porch swing.

"Hon, have you ever thought about it? Well, about moving into a smaller home? Not necessarily an old folks home. More of a smaller village one that you are close to people who could help you. But still allows you to have your independence."

"Oh no, I am not going anywhere. My daddy built this house, I've lived here my entire life. I can't give it up. Not to someone else, what if they change it? Or take it down? Or what if they let it fall to shit.?"

I looked at her, I'm not the best person to talk to her about this. " This house is big, and as we get older we can't keep taking care of it. If you are somewhere like a village you can have your freedom. And if something happens and you need help it's right next door. Im mean look at hon, you forgot the tea and almost caught on fire. What if something happens and you need help and Daniel and I aren't home? I'm only looking out for you, I want to help you the best I can." she nodded, whipping her tears. I gave her a hug and went to my house. There was no damage to the kitchen. But she did have the fire department come out just to check up.

Daniel came through the door. "What the hell happened next door? Whats with the fire trucks?" I helped him take his jacket off.

"Sandra had a little accident with a tea kettle, she left it on the stove and forgot about it. the stove caught on fire."

"Jesus Christ are you alright? Is she okay?"

"yes hon everyone is fine, I suggested that maybe she moves somewhere with more help like a old folks home."

"yeah I agree, Kate is trying to get her to go there too." He took his shoes off.

"whos kate?"

"Kate. Her daughter." I leaned forward.

"wait, I asked her if she had any kids and she didn't say anything."

"What do you mean?"

" when I asked her if she had anyone to call, she had to think. Like she had to think about if she had any kids." He leaned on the kitchen table.  

"Im sorry hon, Im so so sorry. she's just a forgetful old lady. that's all now lets go back to your dads and get this investigation shit over with." I looked and smiled at him. 

"ok, lets go."

A/n: hi loves sorry I haven't been updating lately. school has me crazy busy, I'll update on the next part soon but for now. Have a wonderful day and if you liked this part vote don't forget to vote:))) love ya!

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