meet the parent part one

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              I woke up the next day and Danny was still asleep. I decided to let him sleep in and I draped a blue checkered blanket around his sleeping body. Made a cup of coffee and sat down at the table with my book.

I heard a shutter and looked up but he was still asleep.

'ONCE upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore— '

A thud echoed through the house I looked up, Danny was gone from the couch. He had fallen off. I tried my best to get him up but to no avail. I figured he was comfortable enough to not move so I put the blanket on him once more and sat down.

' While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. " 'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door— Only this and nothing more'

I had a tapping of my own from the sink, like a lone drop of water left behind.


I got up from my chair and wiped the execs off with my shirt, my chest slammed harder as I stared at the crimson red liquid. I grabbed my coffee and threw myself into the chair.

A low voice spoke as I read.

'"Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore!'


'Live no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!'


'Leave my loneliness unbroken!—quit the bust above my door!'


'Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!'

The voice had stopped and the only thing that was louder than my beating heart was my breath. Or was it even mine?

'Quoth the raven-'

"NEVERMORE!" said the rumbling voice in front of me, two gray hands slapped the pages shut. And the spine of the book created a perfect like in the middle of my fathers face.  

I fell out, backing myself against the oven, He scooted closer to me." Daughter, dear dear daughter. FULFILL ME!" I thrashed my head back and forth and to the left of me was Amanda, she bent down and her bullet wound was eye level to me. "Do it you bitch!"

I put my hands into my face when something grabbed me. I move my hand down and daniel took the form of Amanda. Who embraced me with a hug trying to calm me down.

"What is happening to me Danny?"

"I dont know."

I walk into the therapist office,"Have a seat y/n."

"Now you have come in here today because you have been hearing voices."


"When you hear these voices, are they coming from your head or are they coming in your ears?"


"Do they talk to you?"


"And when they do, are they negative things?"


"How often do they talk to you?"

"Depends on each day."

"Are you just hearing voices or are you seeing things?"

"Both." She took a while to take some notes then finally spoke.

"Have you or anyone else in your family been diagnosed with schizophrenia?"

"Not that I know of."

"Ok, when someone like you has experienced a horrible thing. They are more likely to develop an anxiety disorder which can lead to hallucinations. It is very early and can't diagnose you with schizophrenia right now but I can give you some pills to take. Take these directions and see me in a few days for a follow up."

"Thank you."

I walk out of the building, with Daniel following me close by.

"So what happened?"

"Well apparently I am schizophrenic."

"I'm sorry, here let me call dad and tell him that dinner is off."

"No, no dinner is still on, this is an important way to get closer with him. speaking of I should probably get it ready." 

a/n: its getting late I will have to post my other half of the story tomorrow  morning. Goodnight my bubble Guppies!<3

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