Pins and needles

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"Hey we found a door!" I grab Danny by the arm and walk into the next room. There was a bed but no blankets or sheets. You cringe at the thought of wanting to sleep. "Anyone tired?" Danny asks. " I would't be sleeping in that fucking thing." I said. Another one of dads tape recorders

"Oh and y/n,

If your listing it means

You made it.

For now.

I did know you

Would hide in the


So I bought peanut

along with you. "

I look over at the windowsill poor peanut was torn apart with something that looks like blood splattered all over him.


Daniel pushes over the bed revealing a hole with needles and you immediately walk out. Blood and death is fine but needles. Fuck that, you often had this dream that you were strapped to a hospital bed, you couldnt move, cry or speak. And there was a doctor with needles walking toward you. You walked back in, " someone is going in there and it ain't me." Xavier walked toward me. I stood tall this time. Im the daughter of a fucking killer, and Im going to use it to my advantage.

"You, you're going in there." "no im not." he picked me up, I kicked him in the leg causing him to fall I grabbed a knife out of his pocket and climbed on top of him.

"Your forgetting whos the daughter of a fucking killer, your fucking killer. I'll become half of what he is. Maybe even worse, so I'll say it again I am not going to go in there and there's nothing that your bad haircut looking ass is going to do about it. And if you so much as touch me I'LL GET YOU LIKE A PIG RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW." 

I dug the bladder into his arm. Before he could answer Amanda spoke. " get the fuck off of her you ass she's a kid." he flung me off of him I scooted back but stopped when he walked Amanda away. "you , I had enough of your shit." he picked her up and threw her into the pit of needles.

Me and Daniel ran to her aid. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Someone get her out of there!" They ignored her screams. She got the key and Danny and I helped her out. It was too late, "you bitch!" I had enough so I stabbed him in the shoulder pushing him in the pit as well. " I can do this all damn day bitch fuck with me again and thats the last thing you'll fucking do. "

Daniel watched you in awe. "That's my girl." We fixed Amanda up and left as quickly as we could. Laura followed behind us. She felt I held her hand. It was ice cold, "she's not going to make it." "Well that's a winning attitude." "SHE'S ALMOST DEAD.''

Suddenly she began to shake. I held her telling her not to give up and be strong for a little longer. She was gone, "X" marks the spot huh?" Amanda turned the frame over. " What is this? THIS IS YOUR FUCKING FATHER? WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE KIDS? FUCK YALL YOUR ON YOUR OWN." Daniel looked at me, expecting me to leave too. I didn't know his father.

"I don't care who your father is, his mistakes are not yours." I hugged him tightly. He hugged me tighter. "

"Kids, where are you?" I grabbed Danny by the shirt, "Run, RUN."

oh yes, there will be blood [Daniel Matthews x reader]Where stories live. Discover now