her pride yet not her joy

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"What about our parents Danny?"

I don't know, I cant tell my dad. At lest not right now he'll beat the piss out of me. And my mom, well I dont know how she would react." I sat there poundering for a moment.

"Well, I am going to atlest tell my mom, she deserves to know. And so do your parents, but I want to make sure I am 100% pregnant before I we tell them."

"Im just afriad of telling dad you know, I mean what if he

"He can't do anything, he has no say in what we do." He smiles and hugs me agian we spent the evening talking about where the baby would sleep.

"Its all set. Tomorrow, we go to the doctors appointment and if we are pregnant, we'll go out job seaching, and you have lunch with your mom. We can also have my mom over for dinner as well" I nodded off to sleep.

I go up the next morning and put on a basic shirt and pants, nothing too fancy. I nugged Daniel to wake up, who was passed out. We get to the doctors office and the place is packed, we found a seat and sat down. A small girl was to the left of me with her parents, with olive skin and pink beads through out her beautiful hair. She wore a blue hospital gown with flowers on it. She falshed me a small smile, "Whats wrong with you today?" she asked not looking up at her toys.

"Nothings wrong with me. I assured her in a friendly manner

"Ann! We dont ask people that. Im sorry mam. Her mother exclamed.

"Oh no, its alright." I smile.

"The doctor says Im sick." She turns her head reviling a large long scar running from her forhead down to her neck.

"Oh no, Im sorry your not feeling well. Im sure the doctor is going to take very good care of you. And you'll get better in no time. She smiled even wider this time.

My mommy says the same thing, shes right here. Are you a mommy? She points to

her mom.

"Well thats why Im here, to see if I am a mommy. She claps her hands and wispers the good news to her mom. Who nodded.

"Y/n Tuck?" me and Daniel stand up.

"It was nice meeting you both Good luck." The father sakes Daniels hand, and the mother excanges a thank you.

"bye, I hope you are a mommy, you seem like you would be a good one."I wave at her and say thank you. With the parents saying good luck to both of us. We walk down the long hallway, with multicolor lines directing people to diffrent places. I look at a room that I was passing by room 268 with a man wearing a breath mask. The family gathered around him, with the same red face and teared eyes. I grab Danny tighter, I spent too much time in the hospital and I dont ever want to be back

The nurce gauides us into a small room, with a bed, a few shelves beside it. A small computer and keyborad on wheels. And a small chair in the back, Daniel sat besided me as the nurse asked us a few questions.

"Alright you two the doctor will be in here shortly."

"Thank you!."she leaves and Daniel chuckles to himself.

"What so funny over there?"

"Nothing, that little girl really seemed to like you."

"Yeah, She was super sweet My smile fades, "I hope she makes it you know, I hope we make it

Daniel presses my hand. We are going to make it, and so is she alright? Ya know, I bet shes in her hospital room right now getting the good news thats shes cured." I smile and press my lips to his cheek.

oh yes, there will be blood [Daniel Matthews x reader]Where stories live. Discover now