Heartbreaks and inheritance.

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Its chuck e cheese you both run around eating greasy pizza that soon made you sick. you when back to his house and the phone rings.


"Is this y/n Kramer?"

"Yes it is."

"Hi y/n I am Officer Riggs from the metropolitan police department. I am sorry to bother you but I would like you to come down to the station, there's something I would like you to see. It's regarding your father."

"Of course, I'll be there as soon as I can.'

"Great! Thank you."

I hung up the phone, and turned around, "what's wrong?" daniel asks.

"It was the police, I'm supposed to go down to the station. There's something they want me to see."

"I'm coming with you."

"Are you sure? What about your dad?"

"Yeah I'll be fine."

We get there, officer Riggs greets us and asks Daniel to stay outside the interview room. You sat in the chair as another sat in front of you.

"What is this officer?"

"There's no reason to panic y/n, you're not in trouble. But being the daughter of the Jigsaw killer I still need to ask some questions." He sat a cup of coffee in front of you.

"Forgive me officer but I won't be a great use to you, you see. Me and my father.. Well we didn't have a good relationship."

"I understand mis Kramer-"

"Please y/n, or mis Tuck if you must. I don't like having the same last name as that monster."

"Mis Tuck, my team investigated him.. Well workspace and we found a tape with your name written on it." He gently puts the tape in front of you. I put it into the bulky box TV and it swallowed the tape. The officer leaves to give me some privacy. It was static but slowly formed the face of my father.

"Y/n, if you're seeing this

It means you have survived

The gas house and I are long gone.

You have been born into this family,

With my eyes, your mothers hair,

And her attitude. As my offspring

We share the same blood, now that

I am gone, you must do what's right."

"What the hell is this?" you screamed at the TV.

"I am asking you to take on my work."


"Although there are many who are willing to fulfill my work,

You doing so will guarantee your and your loved ones safety.

Again child, choose wisely. Goodbye for now."

" A fucking game are you shitting me? I've been playing your game since day one. Being your daughter was the most deadliest game I've ever played. I may be related to you but I will never see you as a father. And I will never be like you." tears streamed from your face hitting the TV. On the other side of the wall was Daniel, who was bangging on the window crying trying to get to you. Riggs grabbed him and sat him down with a cup of water.

"What's going on Riggs? What's wrong with her?" the tears wouldn't stop.

"Daniel she's alright it's just a video she's ok." Daniel whipped his face and looked at you again and took a sip of water.

"You really love her don't you Dan?"

"More than anything."

You motioned the officer to come back in.

"Y/N, I need you to tell me what was on that tape."

"I'm not a safe officer, no one is."

"I know how your feeli-"

"DO you? DO you? I dont think your father was a dead beat father who made you cut yourself multiple time, then threw you in a fucking house, put nerve gas in you. MADE YOU FUCKING CUT YOURSELF THEN LEAVE YOU FOR DEAD. And now he wants you to become a murderer like him. So unless you went through HELL BECAUSE of your father don't you DARE TRY TO SYMPATHIZE WITH ME!" I was now in his face, "What the hell did I just do? I could go to jail." I backed away. He sat there stunted half from my attitude and half of my cleavage. I sat back down slowly.

"If you don't tell me what happened I can't keep you safe."

"He-he wanted me to fullfil his work, the fuckers dead but still wont leave me alone. He said that there are others that can do it but if I did it would keep me safe. I don't want this, it's not fair all I want is to try to move on to better things. I want my own life."

"I know you do, and I will do everything I can to help you live a better life. That tape, did John give any names of the individuals that are willing to do it?"

"no, the only person I can think of would be Amanda young. And she's dead."

"If you remember anything, anything at all please call me. You are dismissed." you nodd to him and walked out. Daniel runs to you and picks you up, you whisper to him to take you home.

" What happened?" he looked at you as yall walked.

"Its dad, he wants me to fulfill his legacy, doing so will guarantee my and the one I love's safety." I looked at him, God he's so handsome he doesn't deserve any of this, his father, the gas house. I love him, but I can't do this to him. I can't hurt him. Being with him will put him in danger. And I will do anything to keep him safe.

'Im sorry!" he grabbed my hand, but I pulled back looking at the ground.

"Daniel, I can't do this.. We can't do this. I'm a target because my father said there are others that are willing to do the job for me. And know they will come after me, and you too. I don't want to drag you into this. I'm sorry Danny." I took a step back.

"Wait no no, we can throw this together just like we did back at the house." Tears running down his face, " just like you said."

"I'm sorry Danny, I want you to be safe. Goodbye Daniel." I walked away. I had no tears left to cry anymore, and now I have no reason to fight for my life. If they did come to get me I want them to take me. I'm tired of running, and living. I get the key from my house out of dads old work shoes and walk inside. Mom passed out on the couch, I walked up to my room.

"DId I just leave the only person that was ever there for me? And for what? He did everything for me and I just left him in the middle of the road. Stupid fucking Y/n, can you do anything right? The first person who finally showed the slightest bit of care for you and you had to go and fuck it up. What is wrong with you?"

oh yes, there will be blood [Daniel Matthews x reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt