Family (not so friendly) games

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⚠️cutting, blood, talk about eating disorders⚠️


You stopped in your tracks with everyone looking at you, "What?" Laura threw a tape to you with your name on it. Your face grows even more red. You played it

"Hello y/n,"

"No No No God please no please."

For years I have

gave you everything

but the cloths

on my body."

"What the fuck is this?" Amanda screached.

"For years I have

watched you grow

into the adult

you become.

But what makes

my blood boil

me is the person

you already become.

A selfish brat who

acts like a fool

Who does whatever

She wants to do it.

I couldn't believe

my own flesh

and blood would

Shead her own. "

"What does he mean flesh and blood?" Laura asked.

"Thats your fucking dad?"

"Now this is my final

attempt to open

your eyes and ears.

And your mind..

If you want to shed

your blood to

feel something

Very well..

You must shed

your blood

In order to survive.

If you remember

your health class

from last year which you failed.

You remember that

a person losing two

thirds of their blood will die."

"I'll kill you, you scrawny little bitch come here." The tall man pouced ay me but the other men held him back.

"Thats 6 to 4 liters

For you since your

small and don't gain

a lot of wait because your

too busy looking like a

Victoria's Secret model.

You'll die from 3.

Your goal is to fill 2

liters of blood.

There are many instruments

of weapons that

will do the trick

so pick your poison.

Let the game begin."

You stand in silence as the adults yelled at you, " I didn't know I dont even talk to him, and I didnt know self harm was A FUCKING CRIME!!!" you turned to the camera flipping it off. You looked at them, none of which could even look at you. Not even Daniel.

"Guys, Daniel please I didn't know I got it if you're mad but you gotta believe me." He looked at the ground and you could tell he was thinking. You had enough of this shit you went over to the table and grabbed a hack saw ripping your shirt for a tourniquet, at least you won't bleed out entirely. You began hacking at your arm looking away as you can feel the insane amount of blood run down your forearm.

"If you want to shed your blood to feel something Very well..You must shed your blood In order to survive."

You screamed in anger going faster and faster. "One down, one more to go."


Finally the deed was done but the blood wasn't over, Amanda who was tired of your screams rushed over to you and wrapped a cloth around your wounds. The others abandoned you, which led only to her and Daniel who was frozen in shock and guilt.

"Y/n!" Daniel caught you before you hit the ground. "Daniel Im really had no idea, please-" "I believe you, and I'm sorry I didnt help you sooner."

" It's ok." you three walked out the door to regroup with the others. 


a/n: If you have any ideas for this story let me know!! let me know if you enjoyed it!!!!

oh yes, there will be blood [Daniel Matthews x reader]Where stories live. Discover now