Dear Daniel, I got your girl. And your unborn bitch baby!

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I was awoken by the chill sensation flowing through my body. The warm embrace of Danny was gone. And so was he. I went through on his shirt and head down the stairs with a note taped on the fridge that read:

' babe, I'm at work I'll call you when I get my lunch break. I love you. With love Daniel.'

I smile and leave it up. Yawning as i make my first cup of coffee. I was proud of Danny, he went from the shy quiet boy who had no idea what he was doing to a man. Although the horror will stay with him for ever, he won't let that control his life.

I sat down with my fruity pebbles and enjoyed the silence.

Daniels pov:
I took a deep breath and opened the door to 'Jud's automotives'. A man with ripped pants and a blue shit with white over alls  looked peared his head from above the counter. "Can I help ya kid?" He asked in between puffs of smoke.

" I- I-" I tryed to choke up my words.

"Comeon kid spit it out."

" im here for the job, I was in here a few days ago and they said I could get on the job training."

" who did?"

" y-you sir."

He nodded and stood from his seat. He was covered in grease. And smelled like gasoline and cigarettes, and oddly, an Italian hoggie. "Come with me, I' ll show you around." We walked through a door with room that had junk on one side and a row of old red lockers on the other. "here's your locker kid, you can put all your shit in here." A drop of hot liquid burned into my forhead." Ah don't worry that's just the water pipes, I've  been meaning to fix that. Come on I'll show ya the garage." He opened the big garage door, revealing 5 or 6 other dudes on the other side. Work on cars. Leading me to a white car," if you want me to train ya I will but I want to see what you can do first. See that tire over there. Put on a new one. And when your finished, give me a holler"

Ok." I got to work(a/n I don't know to to change out a tire so I won't go into detail.)

Victor, a tall lengthy guy with long brown hair walked up to Jud."Yo Jud, who's the new kid?"

" Oh some kid, I think his names David. I don't know. He walked into the shop the other day asking for a job. And I told him he can work but I will have to train him."

" He seems a little quiet don't ya think?"

" Yeah but I'll take that over a punk ass any day ya know what I Mean? Just keep an eye on him would ya?"

" you got it boss."

Back at the house:

I worked on scrubbing dishes who ever thought a piece of cheese was so strong. I turned my head as i heard the back door open slightly.
" Daniel?" But no response not even footsteps. Danny couldn't be home this early could he?

" mom?" But agian no response. I walked over and peaked out but the only people close was the group of kids playing on the other side of the road. I shut the door and locked it.

Back to the garage:

A few minutes go by and Daniel calls Jud over.

" Well there you go son, nice job. Hey tell ya what, you go on lunch break and come back in 30 and I'll  teach ya how to do an oil change alright?"

" Yes sir." Jud pats him on the back and Danny walks to his locker. Unlocking it and a ripped small papers fell put.
He picked one up:
'I saw your girlfriend the other day. How is she?'

He looked around. Trying to figure out if he knew any of the other guys who were working. But none rang a bell. He quickly picked up another.

' Dear Daniel, I got your girl and your unborn bitch baby!'
  "Shit!" He tried calling twice but no answer. He walked faster out the door.

" What the hell are you doing kid?" Jud leaned over the counter.

" Call the cops! Now."
Jesus Christ!" Jud diled the number.

Daniel through him self in the car trying to call "come on come

Back at the the house.

I jumped as it sounded like Someone had flipped an up Stairs room upside down. I waited again and the Sound Started again I grabbed a Kife from the soapy dish. water

"Who's that?"

'thud, thud'

"I got a knife!"

'thud, thud.'

"My bf will be here any min"

'thud, thud."

I made up the steps, God I hope he is coming home! my hand starts to Shake as I twist the handle to the bedroom door. I suong it oper baking. I lifted the bed covers with the Knife Nothing.

"It's all in your head!" 'Thud!"

It came from the closet, I had. ehaugh and through coerthe Set door. A rat ran out. then a Pig face, I ran down the Steps and was taken back from my hair landing into a white table with a vase.

I cover my neck and scream frantically. And pause at the sound of gun shots.

' am I dead?'

" did I get it. Son of a bitch did I get emm?" Riggs runs for the masked kidnapper as Eric and Daniel rush to me.

" Oh God oh God hon are you alright? What happend?." In that moment all I could do was scream. 'My name is Y/n Kramer. The daughter of the jigsaw killer. All I want is to live a normal life. And what the hell is normal about the one I'm living now?'

I was taken to the police station Danny showed the evidence to Eric. Daniel was ready to fight now. But all Eric said was I'm proud  of you son.

" Riggs I don't know what to do anymore. Me and Daniel are always a target and now the baby." Maybe mom was right.

" It's alright for now on you both can sleep here. There will be guards for you."

oh yes, there will be blood [Daniel Matthews x reader]Where stories live. Discover now