3. Heartbroken

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The young brunette was running through the dark woods with tears in her eyes, you could hear the crickets and the wind blowing.

"I'm never going back! Never!" The brunette said to herself

She stops and sit down by a tree and pulls out her phone, opens the Messenger app to text Stefan,

Back at the ball Stefan is trying to call Mia but she not answering,

"She not answering" he said
"Look you know how Mia is she likes to runs away from her problems, she going to come back ok" Elena said to Stefan as she puts her hand on his chest.

Damon looks at Elena and Stefan and just walks off, Mia didn't even matter, he know how she was, Elena was right Mia runs from her problems because she uses to it, she been running her whole life, Damon is starting to feel like him and Stefan where the cause of that.

Back I'm the woods, Mia is texting Stefan

"Hey Stef, I just wanted to let you know that I'm not coming back, Mystic Falls does not feel like home to me, I see the way your girlfriend looks at me with hate, and her friends constant are talking shit about me well not Bonnie she was actually someone I could trust, but you and Damon move on, you know it was a reason you guys abandoned me and I get it I can't be in the brotherhood bond but that's ok maybe I shouldn't be in your guys life anymore all I done is cause trouble, I love you, love Amelia.

She clicks send and turns off her phone and throws it, she puts her hand on her face and just letting it out the wind blows faster and trees shake aggressively,

"This is for the best" she said to herself, she stands up, as Mia is walking be steps on something, she slowly looks down to see she step on a dead wolf, she screams and then runs, as she running she also looking behind but then she trips on a stick, she falls on her faces hitting her head with a rock, she bleeding from her head, theirs a wolf running from something, Mia see the white wolf then arrow flys out of no where hitting the white wolf in the neck, Mia is shaking with fear she trying to stand up but she can't then something hits in her the stomach, it was a arrow, she try's to pull it out but can't then a other hits in her the shoulder and then Mia falls to the ground all she see is a man standing over her smiling then everything went black.

Stefan see that Mia send him a message, he opens it hoping that she will come back home, he starts to read it and looks down and smashes his phone to drops it, Stefan walks over to Elena,

"Elena answer my question" he said
"What is it?" "What happened between you and Mia?" "Look Stefan Mia was just straight up mean I try to be her friend but she was apart of Jenna death and I just hate her!", Stefan looks down.

Mia wakes up with chains on her feet and hands "what the-" she said
A man walks over to her, "Hello girl" he said
He revealed himself, it was Mikael
"No- it can't be!" "I though I killed you girl" "I'm Mia Salvatore! I'm not Iris! I can take you to her gets don't hurt me!" "Is she still pregnant? Oh wait I killed it"
Mia stays quiet, she didn't know Iris baby was also killed, "little witch I guess we have a deal"

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