12. "The End for now"

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Mia wakes up with a zip tie on her hand and tape over her mouth, she wonders to herself what's going on to happen next?

Is she going to die? Or is she going to live?

After a few minutes of thinking what to do next Mia rips her necklace off then the tape,

She held the necklace in her hand,and bundles it up "Touve mon se kavo" (which is a spell to send a object to specific person through space by burning that object)

Mia throws the necklace then it burst into flames.

"Please hurry" she sobs

"Why are you following me!" Iris says to Stefan and Damon " because wherever Mia is Elena has to be with her" Damon says "do you really just care about Elena?" She asks "Yes Iris I care just for Elena Mia has betrayed us many times. There's no reason why we should just forgive her" Damon yells

Iris turn and walks up to Damon face "like you one to talk Damon you made plenty of mistakes out of all of us but guess what we are all going to make mistakes but we are going to learn from them that's life!" Damon went quiet

"Exactly now stop following me and go find your precious Elena" before Iris leaving a necklace appears in her hands "what's that?" Jeremy says

"Mia's necklace" Stefan adds "we need to find her or should I say I need to find her" "wait you're going to need back up" Stefan stops her "I'm a first born labonair witch I don't need back up"
She says as she walks away

Mia sitting in the dark praying for someone to come to her rescue

"HELP ME" she sods Knowing no one can hear her or help her,

A man comes in and approaches Mia and grabs her arm "would you shut up!" He says "your going to regret this" she said "once I'm freed you and your whole bloodline will pay" she says

" We'll see about that" he turn "bring her in"
Another man walks in holding Elena who is pass out

Mia immediately sits up "Elena.." she whispers

The man throws Elena to the ground "keep eye on this one" He points at Mia and then leaves"all right" the other guys says as he pulls a black sharp knife out of his pocket

"I been waiting for a long time for this" he says "generations after generations we finally gonna stop your kind"

"What do you mean my kind?" She asks

"We have the last living Laborair, we're planning to stop this abomination of a bloodline tonight call it a birthday present"

"Why did you hate us what did we do to you and your witches!"

"Your bloodline is nothing back a mistake every Laborair, who walks this earth dies in unforgivable pain it the ancestors punishment"

"that still doesn't explain why you hate us or want to kill us?"

"a long time ago the balance of nature was was good. Everyone was happy until one of your ancestors messed it all up by making a child who was nothing but evil!"

" they gave that child great power. She ended up using it against them all in the future. That's where the line started 500 years later she was born"

"Who was?" Mia ask

"Your maker, Iris Laborair a child with great power, oh but so sad when her life ended with the hands of a Mikaelson another abomination of nature even they knew she was no good"

"Your wrong! Your just mad because my bloodline is more powerful than the ancestors and you want rid of us!" Mia screams

"Oh child, we know you all have great powers and we intend to take it! To stop the vampires once's and for all"

Elena walks up to all the shouts "Mia?.." she says

The man turns "great your awake" he says and walks toward Elena and aggressive grabs her arm

Elena scream with fear

Mia quickly try's to find something to cut the rope and then sees the knife the man dropped and reaches for it

She struggles but gets it

Elena slap the man which made him even more angry "you bitch!" He said as he aim at her Elena till he stops and drops on the floor.

Hayley haves been looking for her twin sister for a while "Isabella!" She yells

She turns to see a blood trail

Hayley follows the blood trail to see Isabella on the ground with cuts and bruises all over her "oh Isabella your going to be alright" Hayley says as she hugging her.

On the other hand Iris follows the area where the necklace came from but hits a dead end "that's weird?" She says

Out of nowhere 2 man grab Iris, she yells and yells but nothing helps "take her outside Marcel will know she did magic she will get us killed" Anne said

"You will regret this! I promise you!" Iris responds as she being dragged to the entrance but Iris also though of one person "Mia" she whispers

She knows she wouldn't be able to save her.

Back to Elena and Mia

Behind the man who now on the floor dead is Stefan holding his heart, he drops its and looks at Elena

Elena runs to Stefan arm and hugs him tightly like wanting to never let go.

Mia finally gets the ropes off her hands and looks over at them

She could tell that Elena was relieved and Stefan finally found peace in finding her Damon was in the corner face down looking sad,

Mia wishes that was her being hugged by someone who loves you and would kill for you but all she could do is wish.

Everything happened so fast....

No one even saw Anne rushing in picking up the knife from the floor, not even Mia saw.....


Damon turns to see Anne grabbing Mia by the neck then slits Mia throat, "NO" he yells

Elena, Stefan and Jeremy turns

Elena gasps then turns and shuts her eyes

"Happy Birthday Mia" Anne says as she runs out.

Damon rushes over to Mia picking her up, Stefan drops Elena and rushes over to them then Jeremy runs to Elena to comfort her.

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