For Me

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When You were first placed in that manger, You were a sacrifice for me.

You were hated by Your own people, but You endured that hate for me.

You were insulted, but You endured those insults for me.

You had plots against You, to take Your life, but You quietly dealt with them for me.

You were betrayed by a friend, but You gracefully accepted it for me.

You were beaten fiercely, but You overcame for me.

You knew You had to die a horrid death, but You went through with it for me.

You stayed dead for three days, then rose- for me.

You have made a new covenant, promising salvation- for me.

You've displayed Your goodness, love and mercy many many times- for me.

From the beginning of time until it's last second, everything You've done was for me.

So, I live for You

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