To Confess Completely

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My Lord, my God.

The Bible says it more than once, both in the Old Testament and New Testament, we must confess our sins to You.

I've also learned recently, that it truly feels good when I'm completely honest about any and all things.

Of course, I know how good it feels to be honest with You, pouring my heart out. Because You listen to me and bring me comfort and peace. But complete honesty is a step greater.

I know You know me wholely. You know my deepest thoughts and every hidden thing in my heart. You know everything about me. But confessing it to You leaves me feeling better because it's like I'm not trying to hide anything.

I don't want to be the girl who tries to cover up her sins. I want to be the woman who runs to You with everything. To address every thought and action of mine, to learn how to guard myself. Especially my heart. For, we know the heart is deceiving. And that everything we do comes from the heart.

Our actions, words and thoughts reflect our hearts. As a mirror reflects our physical self. As the water reflects our face.

I confess to You, Lord, that I have backslid a lot. But right now I feel closer and more confident and hopeful about my future than I have in months.

I'm impatient, I try to understand things by myself. I ignore convictions from the Spirit. I'm not sensitive to Your voice. I'm quick-tempered. My thoughts aren't pure as they should be. My actions aren't as gentle as they ought.

But I know the more practice I get confessing to You, and shoving away my pride, the more work You will achieve in me. I have great hope for how I will turn out in the next few years, because of Your power. Lord, You're the Breaker of chains.

I confess that I'm foolish. That I'm lazy and don't make good decisions. I am quite hasty, to add to that. I confess my faults, hoping You will fix them. That they'll fade away with Your help.

I want to be fruitful. I want to remain in You and for You to remain in me. God, I know You are merciful beyond what anyone deserves. Thank You. Thank You for always calling Your children back to You.

I often forget that You don't want me to perish, even though that's one of my favorite verses. I don't see myself included at times. Sometimes I feel I'm too evil to be part of Your family. Too far gone to return. But I rebuke the devil's hold on me. I have once again tasted what it's like to be kept safe under Your wing.

I don't want to leave it again, God.

Help me grow.

Help Your bride be beautifully clean and unashamed for Your return.

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