The Lord, My God

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None is good, but the Lord, my God

My Lord who leads me to green pastures. My Lord who takes away all my burdens and carries them Himself.

My God has created my being. He has carefully and thoughtfully put together the purpose He has set aside specifically for me. He has planned my being from the beginning. He knew I'd be here. He knew where I'd be when I was drowned in sin, but knew He would be greatly glorified by calling me away from that life.

I have no words extravagant enough to express my gratitude for the Lord, my God. My Lord who washed my crimson stain and turned it to the shining white He has been forever adorned in. I am now righteous in Christ. I am clean. I am free.

I thank God that He sees the heart. He saw the faith I had in Him and took that to bring me where I am today. I'm not who I am without Him. I couldn't possibly own up to these great changes within me. It would be laughable to do so. Only the Lord, my God is capable.

God, my Father, thank You for so earnestly wanting me with You, that You called Your Son to die for me. Thank You, Jesus for bearing my sin upon Yourself. Thank You for trading my sinful life for Your righteous life. Your precious blood paid the debt I couldn't pay.

Thank You for discipline and chastening. It reminds me of Your love. Thank You for the trials I have been through and will go through. It'll test my character. I'll endure it all for Your sake.

My Lord, my God, I love You dearly. Thank You for everything You've been teaching me and revealing to me as of late. Thank you for speaking to me. For teaching me to humble myself. To hold myself accountable for every idle word I may say. I need to take action and apologize and make amends. Even if it seems little to me. Or too fearsome.

O Lord, my God, I just want to be the best I can be in You. I want to be as much like You as possible. I want Your light to radiate through me. I want to grow bolder, more patient and kinder. More loving and faithful. I want to radiate Your humility. You're above me. Above all.  Always have been and always will be.

There's nothing impossible for You. There is nothing on Earth that isn't Yours. All belongs to You. Everything good we have is from You.

My Lord, My God, thank You for adopting me into Your blessed family. May I be pleasing in Your sight. May You hold me as the apple of Your eye. May You truly sing songs over me. May I abide in You, and You in me. May I always rejoice in You. Even on the worst day, I have a million reasons to thank You and celebrate in You.

I love You, and am comforted knowing You love me.

I'm forever and ever Yours, O Lord, my God.

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