Thank You, God

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Thank You, God.

You always remain faithful. You're the perfect Groom who continues to love His unfaithful bride.

I stray from You, allowing myself to act on the temptations that taunt me. I give in.

I try and find happiness and contentment in worldly things, spending hours indulged on my phone. Hours I could be spending with You. No, hours I should be spending with You.

How many times must I learn that nothing can fill me with peace and joy like You can? Why do I easily forget? Why do I even try to replace You?

Yet, You show me patience and mercy. You await me with open arms, ready to forgive me and discipline me into leaving these idols behind.

God, I'm sorry.

You deserve so much better.

But I thank You, God, for being here for me. For always waiting for my return. For not giving up on me.

You're everything I need and want.

Thank You for being faithful, loving, forgiving, and patient.

Thank You, God.

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