Burdened #2

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Lord, You hear my cries. The great and mighty God is before me. You are behind me and with me on each side. No harm could withstand against You. No evil can prevail.

You have no law against a joyful heart nor a peaceful spirit. Help me to remain in Your peace and the joy one has with You as their God.

You split the Red Sea wide open. You brought water from the rock. You rained down bread from Heaven. You care for Your people and work wonders to help them when they are needy.

I praise You as I wait upon Your saving hand. I wait as You piece together the broken bones of my soul and my family.

You, Lord, know all. You, Lord, can do all. None stands against You. Hear my cry, so that Your glory rings bigger and louder.

Save us.

My King forever.

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