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Lord, I'm so joyful in You lately and for so many wonderful reasons. You've been helping me guard my mind and my heart at work. To help lessen my wandering thoughts. To keep them focused on You. To keep them pure.

Thank You for strengthening me. Thank You for helping me discipline myself into praying at work. To divide my time wisely. It went from half hour intervals of either worship or praying or singing, to an hour. But today, I prayed for my friends for two hours! Because of the comfort I've received, the power to be fervent was within me.

I was thanking You, after, for being good to me. For everything I'm thankful for. I compare myself to the door post and Your blood as the lambs blood, from the Old Testament that protected Your people. Your blood is my mark that I am saved. You are my Savior and reason I'm alive. You helped me grow and to get where I am.

Thank You, God.

And the joys of wanting to be baptized is strong within my soul. Thinking about it makes me giddy. Making the steps to get there, makes me impatient, but I know I must hang in there. I'll get there. I know it's what You want. And it's what I want.

I joyfully give You all of me. I know what You expect. And like the lyrics of a song goes- "I'm not ashamed, I've considered the cost, I'll stay right here at the foot of the cross, and stand"

I'm here to stay, God. You gave me to Jesus. Nothing can take me away from His hands. Nor Yours. You hold me tightly.

Thank You!

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