Chapter 2

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I usually don't sleep because of insomnia so I get up at five am and go for a jogging. Today's weather is just beautiful I like it.

Suddenly my phone rang and I picked it up "Hello Jules! Set my meeting for today at Eight a.m. I will be there" I said.

"Sir! Kane is here to meet you," Jules said.

I pause. "What is he doing there at this time ?" I barked.

Jules tensed and shakily said " Sir! I tried to stop him but he pushed me and went to your office directly and he said he wouldn't go anywhere if you don't come to meet him."

I signed and closed my eyes. Kane is my stepbrother and he is an ill-mannered human who does gambling and loses everything in it. What he wants from me now? "Coming" I replied, and cut the call without listening to her shit.

I directly go to my bathroom which I designed. Double as other room of my house, black walls with big black shiny roses on it. I like black roses. In the middle, there is the biggest bathtub which is also black, and on the left, there is a mirror door that leads to the luxury shower, and to the right, there is another beautiful door that leads to the washroom and the opposite side there is beautiful black sink with my every necessary things on it.

I go for a shower and start it. Water smoothly reaches every curve of my body. I placed my hands on the walls closed my eyes and thought about what to do with Kane. I reach for a towel and go to my luxury closet I grab my suit. Pick up my tie and wrap it around my neck. Then I go for my watch closet and pick my most expensive Rolex watch. Put on my boots and call my team.

I reach the office and directly go to Kane.

He stands up and smirks like a dirty dog. I ignored him and went for a chair. I sit like I own this world, and I own this world for sure.

"I need money to survive and you have to help me I m your fucking brother" he barked.

I smirk at him. "I don't care. Whatever I'm not giving a single cent"

He is burning in pure rage. His nose flares and picks up my favorite vase and then throws it. I control my anger stand up from a chair and walk toward him he gets scared. I reach for his arm and tap it "Don't you dare to do this ever again brother. You know me very well. I don't bear this shit. I'm not a very good person. I'm ruthless enough to break your fucking bones and fed to my dogs. I will end your useless life right now but I will give you a chance because at last, you are my brother" I said and punched him directly in his beautiful face.

"Please don't do anything which you regret after," he said shakily grabbing his face and walking away.

I don't care for anyone. I have everything why would I care for anyone? I'm heartless and don't give a shit. I only love myself.

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