Chapter 7

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I get ready in twenty minutes. I'm wearing a Versace dark blue tuxedo, put Rolex black watch, and branded black boots. I see my reflection in the mirror with a smirk I look good.
I turn and am ready to go. Right at seven thirty I will be at the event.

I arrived on time. The driver opened my car door and I got out of the car like a celebrity. Media reaches me immediately. My bodyguards and team tried to stop them but I stopped them and gave my interview to them.

One of them asked me "Sir when will you get married?"

I laugh and reply, "When I will find my true one."

I know this statement is ridiculous. I don't believe in love and soulmates at all. But, I want everyone to think that I'm a romantic type of human.

Well, I went inside as soon as I gave them that statement. I see Hank in a corner and go to him.

"Hello Hank how's you? Happy birthday party hard bro and this is from me." I said while giving him a gift.

He smiled and took the gift replying beautifully "Oh Harper you are here! I thought you wouldn't come" I smile at him ignoring punching him.

"I have to come for you thanks for inviting me," I said.

Well, the party was beautiful I got champagne from a waiter and started enjoying myself in peace alone.

I don't understand why my heart beats so fast today but I ignored it.

One lady came to me and said with a smile "Hello handsome! I'm Merry would you like to share some words?"

I ignore her. I've not been interested in any women for 5 years and haven't had sex till now. I think it's maturity. I just want money and powers nothing more I want me and I love me it's enough for me.

She seductively grabs my arm. She rubs her small boobs on my arms. I'm still at her actions but I don't do anything because there is media and most elite class people. If this is a random event I will kill her for touching what's not her.

I pull my arm away and go away to the other side.

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