Chapter 16

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Selena burst into my room like a fucking cyclone. What does she want now? I grab my hair in a fist tightly. I am not in the mood to talk to her now. I want to sleep, please.

"Guess what?" she said excitedly like a moron.

I signed and replied, "What?"

She rolls her eyes dramatically. And release the sharp breath. "You are invited to the world's richest event of the year by Alexander Harper. Everyone is coming. Now you have a chance to get to know more people in the industry and you will make friends
to babe yay...." she said excitedly.

I think about him. Will he come to the party? Will he talk to me this time? Will he undress me with his green eyes? I feel the heat
on my face. What I am thinking right now? I shove away my thoughts and focus on Selena asking her "Which day and time?"

"Are you blushing Malina?" She asked and I touched my cheeks. Oh God Selena please don't ask why I am blushing.

"No, and tell me what I asked you," I said in full confidence.

"Timings are seven p.m. sharp on Sunday." She replied while using her phone. Finally, she believed me and didn't ask me further questions.

And why I am thinking about him. I don't even know who is he what his name is or what he does. He isn't even interested in me. If he was then he would come to me that day and ask me something. But, let it be buried.

I called my designer for some unique dress for a party. Hope I will wear the best and I know the media and everyone who knows me will focus on me and try to ask me about my break these two months I took. I have to do this.

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