Chapter 15

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I stalked her everywhere. She's been in Texas last two months reason is unknown. She took a break from her career life in these two months. I think it's related to her ex. Now she suddenly launched her new album and she got 100 million views in just a few hours like nice. Weird it's lyrics are related to me. Maybe she also thinks about me.

She lives in a condo near Wrigley mansion. Sweet. She came live twenty minutes ago on her IG and I joined her. I know I'm being creepy but yes I stalked her everywhere. She looked beautiful and happy, I wanted to kiss her there but we hadn't even met now but don't worry I'm planning for our first meetup. It will look like a coincidence. But, I know it's not. I'm going to meet my queen soon.

"Protect her but don't show her that you are there she will never know why I hired you. Kill every single guy who tries to touch her or get near her without her knowledge. Am I clear?" I shouted at my right-hand man, my bodyguard Hardin.

"Yes sir" he replied without any emotion.

I trust him that he will protect her with his life. He saved me five years ago. Now he has to protect my queen. My Malina only mine.

I ordered a large portrait of my queen for our room. She will be everywhere because she is my obsession my only obsession.

"You know what you want to do. Announce the biggest event of the year for everyone and invite every single celebrity, especially my Malina Ivanshov. It's the time we are going to meet and she will fall for me" I said with a smirk to my manager.

"Yes sir!" he said in his dark tone.

"Now leave me alone," I said.

He nodded and went away.

It's time to meet my queen.

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