Epilogue 2

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I wake up sick. Nine months pregnant and the baby is almost on its way. I get up and go to the bathroom put on nice clothes and am ready to go down. But, when I move I feel water leaking and it socking my pants. Oh God, my water broke. I change into other clothes and immediately call Alexander. He picks up immediately.

"My water broke, please come fast," I said.

I am so tense. What to do? I am trying to calm myself. Before I move Alexander is here. He lifts me and runs towards the exit.

"Don't you go to the office?" I asked.

"No doctor said you are going to deliver in two days so I get one week off." He replied. Wait what he taking One week off I am delivering or he is?

He puts me on his lap in the car and tells the driver to move to the hospital. After we reached he took me immediately to the emergency room. Dr. Maya is waiting. She already does everything to deliver my baby.

Alexander bought the whole hospital last month because he doesn't trust anybody. He put me on the world's best hospital king-sized bed and stood near me. He is holding my hand. Dr. Maya doing her work.

I feel sudden pain. I cried. Alexander got tense. Another sharp pain through my back and abdomen like it hurts. Like I am dying slowly. I cried and pressed Alexander's hand hard. He didn't flinch.

"I saw baby's head please push Mrs Harper." Dr. Maya said.

I pushed again and cried a lot. I feel like I am dying now. But, I can't die I want to meet my baby first. I pushed, pushed, and pushed hard pressing Alexander's hand hard. He kissed my forehead like he was taking away my pain. I know he feels my pain and controlling himself not to kill the doctor.

"Do it fast doctor don't you see my wife is in pain." He said.

"Mr. Harper your baby is almost here please be patient." She said.

I pushed again so hard that I felt something slip from my vagina. Oh God, that was so painful.

"Congratulations it's a boy. Mr. Harper, can you cut the cord?" Doctor said.

Alexander saw me and I nodded. He walks towards our baby and cuts the cord. The doctor put my baby on me. He is still covered with blood and he starts crying. Oh no don't cry, my baby. I touch his cheeks, my baby. The doctor cleaned me and washed my baby. He wrapped him around a cute blue blanket.

"Mr. Harper hold your baby." She said.

Alexander got tensed and took him. Our baby is looking so small in Alexander's arm. He started crying. Alexander came to me I opened my shirt's button and took my baby to my chest. He sucks so hard I gasped Alexander laugh.

"Like father like son. See what your son is doing to my nipples." I said. He kissed my forehead. We are finally completed. We never know when will you find your true partner. Here we are unexpectedly. Our unexpected love makes us complete.

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