Chapter 25

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I am waiting for her for the very first time I am waiting for someone. I enter her hallway, dining room, and living room everywhere are her bigger posters and frames. I think some fans gifted her things. She's having a beautiful condo.

I see one frame on the left of the kitchen. Malina is standing between them. I think they are her mom, dad, and her brother. In the second frame, I see a lady with Malina who is kissing her cheek, lucky her but I will never let that happen now.

In the next frame, she hugged some guy. I see red. He is holding her to him. I want to kill that guy. I don't know who is he.

Malina comes behind me and I feel her presence. Instead of turning I keep watching that frame.

"He was my boyfriend but we broke up three months ago. I forgot to remove it because I was in Texas last two months." She said. Like Is she clearing something up to me? Ok, good one.

I open the frame take out the picture tear it into two throw his picture in the dustbin and put Malina's pic in my coat's pocket. I turn to look at her now. She looks so confused but my actions.

"I don't like anyone to touch what's mine and now you are mine so if anyone tries to touch you I will kill them I promise," I said calmly.

"I am not yours or anyone's property OK? I am Malina Ivanshov so don't you dare to talk to me like that ever again." She replied furiously.

"Oh come on babe! You are mine and it's final do whatever you want I will die for you is it not enough?" I asked her.

She doesn't reply. But, I know it's very difficult for her but I will make everything easy for her.

"Let's go for a date shall we?" I asked her for her hand. Instead of giving me a hand, she goes to a door. I smirked at her action. Hard to get I know but worth it.

I opened a car door for her. She sat and I closed the door. Now I sit. Finally, we are going on a date. I am taking baby steps towards her. But I know one day she will accept me and like me too.

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