29~ Party with a plan

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Ally's pov.

I turn around to the mysterious voice and I am definitely surprised as who I saw! NATAHLIA! She was the girl that hates me and kissed Louis and I hate her! She probably read my mind so she said:

"Look I know your probably thinking that you hate me and I honestly don't care. But Louis can not date that girl Jennifer. I know her and she is someone you don't want to get involved with and besides she has like two backup boyfriends that she goes home to!"

"Ally I need your help to break them up I don't care if he is not with me but he can't be with her!"

Wow, that is something I think I would never hear from her. As much as I hate her I hate Jennifer most. "I'm listening?" I say and she says that we have to find a way to break them up and make up rumors and stuff.

Okay, as much as I feel bad about doing this I can already tell Louis doesn't love or even like her and she will do just fine without him and besides she has done worse. Okay come with me I say I grab myself a drink so does she and I take her up to my room so we can discuss the plan.

25 minutes later

Okay, technically the plan is simple all we have to do is say bad stuff about the other to one of them and try and cause arguments. Done easy plan and I saw Jay, Louis mum looking at Jennifer and Louis dancing and I can see hate all in her eyes.

I walk up to her and say that I need to tell her something. I drag her into the kitchen and we sit up on the bench but on opposite sides.

"Okay well I'm guessing you hate Jennifer?" I ask her already knowing the answer. Let's just say after 5 minutes of hearing her rant about how much she hated her I told her my plan and she was in.

Louis' own mum wants to ruin his relationship and for some reason I find it funny that she is on my side. Jay goes out back to who ever she was talking to.

I spot Natahlia death staring Jennifer I'm guessing they have some bad past as well. I walk over to her and ask her when we are going to be doing this. RIGHT NOW!

She walks up to Louis and Jennifer who are at the drink bar already drunk. She walks straight passed them but pushing her hip out into Louis who spilt his drink all over Jennifer.

It went all over her dress and she screamed and yelled at Louis but he was to drunk so he was just laughing and then since she was drunk as well she didn't really care anymore. But hey, she will care in the morning haha. Anyway I talk to some people I don't have a lot of drinks but I am a little bit tipsy.

Jennifer was in the bathroom vomiting after giving countless guys a lap dance when Louis was to drunk to notice. She fell asleep leaning on the toilet and Natahlia decided to take pictures of her not on the toilet but with those guys she gave lap dances.

So we could show Louis maybe. I do feel bad for ruining there relationship but they aren't in love and Jennifer is probably doing it for another reason. Louis will thank me later and who cares about Jennifer she will be fine. I go out onto the dance floor and start dancing to the beats.

After what seems like forever the night had ended with me passing out on the couch. The rest of the night I was having fun and enjoying myself. Jay really knows how to throw a party.

It is now morning and Jennifer is still here and I have a massive hangover. I had a lot more drinks and I have a feeling that today is going to be horrible especially with my headache.

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