36~ Which uni?

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Hey guys!! This one is going to be shorter than usually but I promise that I'll do a long one after that. So yeah.... let's go!!

Ally's pov.

School had just finished finally and I was on my way home. We pull up to the house and I'm greeted by Jay. She said that Louis me and her need to talk about something important. We sit down on the couch and she pulls out a heap of papers.

I raise my eyebrows at her and Louis looks the same. "It's about the time of the year were you guys need to figure out if you want to go to uni and if you do their are all of the uni you can go to."

I want to go to collage and so does Louis. I want to study the arts with drawing/dancing and he wants to study arts but with acting/singing.

Louis and I look through the papers and my eyes land on one and Louis and I both go to grab it. I pull my hand back and we look at it together. It was the one I wanted to go to Blue university.

I've already gone through everything so there was nothing else I needed to know. I said to Jay that's the one I want but Louis also says it at the same time. I grin at him and I just realized that we might me going to the same university and Louis smirked.

"So you both want to go to the same one?" she said making sure and we both nod eagerly. She writes a few things and then said she id going to the post office to get them to send it to see if the uni would let us go there.

Jay also said that she would be home late so Louis and I have to babysit. She left 10 minutes ago and all of his sisters stared saying they were hungry. It was to late to cook something so I ordered pizza for everyone.

They were old enough to bath themselves, change, eat and all that but we just helped them with their homework until the food arrived.

The girls ate their warm dinner while watching 'Mean Girls 2'. Louis was saying he didn't like the movie because it to 'girly' but I could tell he secretly loved it.

We ate our dinner and the girls ran upstairs. Louis and I expected them to be making loud noises like they usually do but it was dead silent. As soon as we started getting worried we quietly went up and we went into all of their rooms except for the last one.

When we got there the lights were out and we couldn't see anything. Louis flicked the switch to turn the lights on but nothing happened the lights weren't working. I fumbled around in my pockets and grabbed my phone.

I put it on flash and stepped into the middle of the room and so did Louis. My heart beat quicken and I started freaking out. I turned my phone around until I had only seen half the room.

When I was about to shine the light into one corner I felt a cold stinky thing on my face and I screamed in fright. I dropped my phone onto the carpet the light shining on the ceiling. Then I saw a pair of feet step out and another and a few more.

I heard Louis groan in annoyance so when I looked at him he had the same stinky stuff on his face that I did. Silly string.

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